That boy Chris Brown Put Hands on Rihanna!!!

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- Rihanna is working with the police to go hard at Chris Brown legally

- She reportedly suffered a split lip, contusions on her head, bite marks and a bloody nose.

- Cops reportedly have "devastating proof of abuse."

- Chris Brown was NOT in a low-speed car chase with LAPD


I said it once and I'll say it again. I don't ask for much with these rumors, but this time I am requesting that you give and illseed credit for this. We're damn near going crazy over this stuff. With that, I continue my search for the facts in the midst of these rumors.

Keshia Chante. This is the girl that is allegedly the new object of Chris Brown's desire. I am told that she was held up in questioning for 6 hours by the cops. Now, people on the Chris Brown side of things are very worried that Keshia might confirm what Rihanna has already told police - that the R&B star hit her. From what I understand, Chris has been dating Keshia for a while now and that he even used to date her a few years back.

But, who is Keshia Chante? You know her.

She is a Canadian singer in her own right, but she is known as the girl that is going to be playing Aaliyah in the new movie about the deceased love of my life. They are saying she actually called the cops when she saw "blood flying," as one of my sources said. I heard Chris Breezy has a pretty prominent mark on his neck from Rihanna scratching him.

Pictures of Keshia:" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors." src="" width="449" height="659">





Well, now my rumor blood is really flowing right now. I have to get down to the gritty grit. If you didn't see, yesterday I gave you a comprehensive rundown of what allegedly happened with Chris Brown and Rihanna. Click here for that breakdown, because I put my all into that.

Here is today's rundown from another source. Remember, these rumors are especially interesting, because they all come from different places, but are surprisingly consistent.

According to unverified sources, Rihanna and Chris Brown broke up two weeks ago. Rihanna didn't want to break up with Chris, but he was reportedly done with her. Management forced him to act "lovey" for the Clive Davis' pre-Grammy party. He didn't want to. Rihanna's publicist, in confidence, asked him to the same. He agreed. They attended the Clive Davis party together. Management allegedly asked for Chris to drive with Rihanna in his car after the event was over for paparazzi pictures.

According to my sources, Rihanna started acting like they were in a relationship still, not realizing that it was indeed completely over. Chris told her he wasn't really with her, it was for publicity and that she needed to get it through her head that it was over. Adding insult to injury - like my previous source said - Chris picked up a girl he had a date with that night WHILE Rihanna was in the car. So, the girl was in the car like a third WHEEL.

It would appear that Chris has completely moved on from Rihanna from this new girl. My source tells me that Chris was actually acting very childish for doing his in front of Rihanna. Suddenly, Rihanna snapped and that's the situation got crazy, my sources say. Rihanna allegedly punched Chris in the face while she was screaming, and then he hit started hitting her back. Noticing there was blood, somebody called 911 and my sources say "the girl" is the one that made that call.


As of right now, Rihanna's headed to Barbados, I am getting from people. Not sure, because I heard she's working with police. Chris is being flown out so things can settle a bit. They say he's in Vegas now. The other "girl," allegedly Keshia Chante - has been questioned by the label people to get her mind right, so to speak. Both Rihanna and Chris' teams are trying to get her to side with them. If she testifies as an eyewitness saying Rihanna was the injured party, she could put Chris in jail for a maximum of 12 years. If the girl testifies stating Rihanna indeed made the first punch and if Chris' attorneys can spin it in court, Chris can get off his charges all together. A lot is at stake.

Also, my sources are saying that, there's proof lingering around and Rebel One Management (Rihanna's team) is trying to stop it from leaking to the media. People are reportedly bracing for the worse in this matter, legally and otherwise. Rihanna's team doesn't want her to press charges, as it could possibly damage her name and career. So far, looks like she is going to work with the coppers. The LA Times is saying this already so any notion that she isn't is likely FALSE.

WHEW - That was a lot!

Later in the day, I'll have more BS for you.
but if she gave him herpes
Claims are that she picked it up from Jay-Z!

Me and brother was talking about CB and Rihanna months ago when they were on the MTV awards, when TI had supposedly snapped on CB for clowing around in hisrehersal with Rihinna and dude told me dont nobody want Rihanna no more after Jay went through her

Keshia > Rihanna

But make no mistake about it...I'd pile drive the both of them with no hesitation.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I would expect this from Trey Songz tho honestly.
dude is reckless.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Smacked up some dude a whil back in my city....sad when you get beat up by a R&Bsinger and he hops right on staged to sing "i cant help but wait"[/color]
Originally Posted by JinKazama

would you dudes please stop with the corny !@@ jokes.. youre killin me here
I'll go ahead and apologize beforehand...

If that TMZ report is true CB beat Rihanna like a cop, Rodney King Baby CB beat her like a coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop.

Ok got that out of my system, anyway. I thought CB had a slim chance of salvaging his career if he just smacked her in a split second of rage, but if he beat her like a dude its officially a wrap.

plz. If Rkelly can rape teens on tape and still release a double platinum album, CB will be just fine
Sad as it is, those teens weren't international pop stars pressing charges with proof.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]just got it[/color]
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

that why trey is that dude gay, both chris and trey from VA
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]R&B goons
but dude had his body guards help..
fake %*+ rnb gangsta
at least now Wrigley will drop him from the doublemint commercials..

that %#%% is mad annoying
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

that why trey is that dude gay, both chris and trey from VA
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]R&B goons
but dude had his body guards help..
fake %*+ rnb gangsta

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]from what i heard...trey dropped dude then the big guys stomped him out[/color]
While disturbing if true, it doesn'texcuse the beating Brown gave Rihanna under any circumstances.
a girl give me herpes i might beat her down too...but i believe the other story
she gave him the herpe derpes so he gave her the slappy wappys, nuff said. and how many idiotic teenage girls would love to get slapped around by him? i thinkalot
Originally Posted by AirWing03

she gave him the herpe derpes so he gave her the slappy wappys, nuff said. and how many idiotic teenage girls would love to get slapped around by him? i think alot

wow bro, your so cool!
"Dear ChrisBrown,

Not only are you an utter loser who lucked into a singing career because lets face it, your vocal chops aren'tTHAT SERIOUS...the mere thought of you being capable of such an act as to HURT A WOMAN, someone you CARE FOR!! the way you have is disgusting. By strikingRihanna,Shaquanda or Whom ever it is you HIT

you've just made it OK for another stranger to rape your mother, slap your sister, kick your aunts and spit onyour daughter...and do worse to your grandmother.

never in my life have a I been so disgusted to have actually respected someone and have them totally disrespect me andmy feelings, and values. I hope everything God has given you he takes back because clearly you don't deserve it. I regret bringing my Friend to the TYRAshow and having you be anywhere near her!!

yours a disgusting maggot of a man.

and I hope you get everything thats owed to you 10 FOLD!!

see you at the top, while i'm looking down on you in PITY for your weak SOUL!"

this was posted on his myspace
Waaaaaaaay too many people have Herpes these days.

What ever happened to the days when Herpes would make you a social outcast like a Leper. Bring THOSE days back, dammit.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by AirWing03

she gave him the herpe derpes so he gave her the slappy wappys, nuff said. and how many idiotic teenage girls would love to get slapped around by him? i think alot

wow bro, your so cool!
thanks buddy wuddy
Whats up with herpes these days .... My mans over heard some broad yelling on the phone in the laundromatlike..." so what if I got herpes I aint dying,you got it too mother$%@% , we still good aint nobody dying off no herpes".....

R U serious????????
Any one gives you herpes you reserve the right to beat them within an inch of their lives. Man or woman.
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