That boy Chris Brown Put Hands on Rihanna!!!

Treb2k5 wrote:
LB510 wrote:
I didn't see this coming
Neither did Rihanna...

She would've ducked.

What you did there...........I see it
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Ahhh....good ole' nt making any horrible situation humorous[/color]
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So if you give her gonorrhea she can slap you?

i mean she would have a legit reason too....but i would never put myself in that position to catch something
... homey went from this :

to snuffin chicks ?
I wonder what these females think about him now..
his fans are probably coming up with all types of excuses for this clown in their heads . chicks are
like that
conversation i had with a female friend about it 5 min ago on AIM :

me: u hear about your boy chris brown ?
her: obviously
me: not a good look
her: ya
her: for rihanna's face !
me: wow
me: grimes

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Damn his bail is up there

actually, he will only have to post a 5,000 dollar bail. 10% is all it takes, very very insignificant.
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