The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Why the clipper suck so bad in the playoffs. Is it cuz the west is stacked? Or u think they just can't get it together during the playoffs. I think the west is too stacked. Okc and the Spurs always gonna give problems to any teams. Warriors and Memphis is tough teams also. It's banananass
Why the clipper suck so bad in the playoffs. Is it cuz the west is stacked? Or u think they just can't get it together during the playoffs. I think the west is too stacked. Okc and the Spurs always gonna give problems to any teams. Warriors and Memphis is tough teams also. It's banananass

You answered your own question. The west is tough. In recent memory they've lost to San Antonio, Memphis, and OKC last year.

Think about that.

I know by making it black and white, winning and loosing and thinking of it simply as that makes it easier to romanticize and judge players / franchises, but in reality it's not that simple at all.
Why the clipper suck so bad in the playoffs. Is it cuz the west is stacked? Or u think they just can't get it together during the playoffs. I think the west is too stacked. Okc and the Spurs always gonna give problems to any teams. Warriors and Memphis is tough teams also. It's banananass

That's the million dollar question. Paul is a great player but he doesn't win. LA is one of those stacked teams. Blake is a top 10 player and they have a great championship winning head coach with a squad. Stars young in their prime with sharp shooters off the bench and the best air show in the league. If Paul is as great as some make him out to be he HAS to close the deal now.
To say the Clippers suck in the Playoffs would lead me to believe, that you just articulated that wrong or, 
 "don't watch Basketball".

edit: Or throwing a little shade. I'm in on the shade, sometimes. Today I'm rocking with CP though
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Look Chris Paul is a great player may be the best point guard in the NBA right now but he's not in conversation for top 5 all time point guard til his team plays deep into playoffs or he gets in a NBA MVP

It's at that point where they need to get the Western Conference Finals
S shoeking2101 CP3 and Blake are better than Steph and Klay IMO. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Blake a MVP contender just a season ago?

Spurs are a great team but according to the CP3 supporters he's individually the best player on the floor right? I'd take Blake right now over any individual Spurs player also. So what's the problem?

LA IMO is a better all around team than the others you named. OKC is the bad match up because their 2 stars are better than everyone else's but LA has a huge coaching advantage. That west is stacked excuse for everyone's favorite player that doesn't win is lame IMO.
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Its not like the clippers are getting swept year and year out... They were close lost to a better team ... A few other teams have better rosters....
Plain and simple clippers aren't chip contenders just a good squad.... The clippers are not as stacked as you say and think they are..

Memphis has a better overall roster then the clippers and a few other teams as well...
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Just wanted to thank you for the laughs.

Your welcome. Ima be right there laughing with you when Paul gets eliminated from the playoffs yet again.

Which means what exactly?

I'm not a Clipper fan, I've already called them trash in this thread, :lol:

You don't need to make it past X round or win a ring in order to be considered an all time great, which CP3 is.

The media always comes up w/ these BS accomplishments that an athlete needs to achieve before he's hailed as being good/great.

Like that stupid article I read about Anthony Davis, claiming that he has to win 50 games this year or else he's not as good as we think he is.

It's a bunch of crap, :lol:
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Quote where I said you had to win a title to be all time great. I'll wait.

I was referring to him being top 5 all time at this moment. He's not even close IMO. Nash is more deserving of the question seeing how he's at the end of his career and has 2 MVPs and more assist currently. I keep seeing all these metrics but those don't outweigh MVPs and titles IMO. My expectations of the Clippers are based off everyone's inflated view of how great Paul is. I personally don't think the Clippers are all that.
Not even close, :lol:

Nash more deserving?

You guys realize that defense is actually a thing in basketball, right?

Unreal, man.
Not even close, :lol:

Nash more deserving?

You guys realize that defense is actually a thing in basketball, right?

Unreal, man.

So if Paul retired today you'd say his career was better than Nash? Although Nash has more points, assist and 2 MVPs? I even think he made the conference finals once but could be wrong.
Not even close, :lol:

Nash more deserving?

You guys realize that defense is actually a thing in basketball, right?

Unreal, man.

So if Paul retired today you'd say his career was better than Nash? Although Nash has more points, assist and 2 MVPs? I even think he made the conference finals once but could be wrong.

Was his career better, no, probably not.

Did he have more impact on the floor individually? Yea, because as much as I love Nash, he kind of stunk on defense.

I don't care about a players career because players don't have a whole lot of say when it comes down to that kind of stuff.

Sometimes you get put in a great situation from the jump, and sometimes you have to carry a crap team your entire career.

How much differently would we be looking @ LeBron right now had Detroit won the lottery in 2003?

I think it's pretty safe to assume he would have 2 or more rings right now, no?

Like I said earlier, I love Nash, he's one of the greatest offense forces in the history of the game, but some of the credit needs to go to D'antoni.

Look @ the situation Magic was put in, :lol: not everyone has that luxury.

You also said that CP3 isn't a "winner", which is completely ridiculous.

Go look up win shares and tell me how many players in the history of the game contributed to more wins than CP3.
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Yes, very good.

Now, considering Nash played 1217 games and CP3 has played 636 and he only has 10 more WS than CP3, what should that tell us?

Or, you could just make things easier and check out WS/48 and that will tell you everything that you need to know about CP3's impact individually.
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We'll have to agree to disagree. Last season being the "best PG" with the 3rd leading MVP vote getter, six man of the year and championship coach had and still has a good enough team to win. They weren't the best team but it wasn't by miles.

Win shares is another misleading stat IMO. It doesn't account for 40 + point playoff loses or the late turnover he was solely responsible for in the playoffs last year.

Lastly LeBron didn't have a great team in CLE his first time around or Iverson in 01 but they still got those teams to finals. That's greatness. Our criteria is just different. I respect your view though.
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