The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Adam getting on the player's good side before CBA negotiations in a couple of years.
You can't really convince me that James Johnson isn't twice as ood as tayshaun prince.

I have no idea what Memphis was thinking letting him go and not playing him over Tayshaun.
nah, but seriously, no one should be offended by the players wearing that shirt
the excuse that the players should be wearing only nba gear is just a ruse to avoid political taking sides as it can derail advertising & other revenue opportunities for the teams, players, nba etc

the whole "if you wanna take a stand you should be..." (doing it another way) is also complete bs. these dudes are wearing t shirts not burning and looting. wearing a t shirt is hardly taking a stand in the scheme of things
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Just waiting to see who will be the guy who voice his opinion in a negative matter in public or via twitter.
Have Lebron and co done anything to bring light to the Tamir killing?
Don't think so, or at least haven't heard.

Bron actually said that he only wore the shirt today in support of the family, not for any reasons regarding race or anything else. Guess he just wanted to show up Rose and still be politically correct.

Bron giveth and Bron taketh away lol
If Waiters lost both his arms he'd still find a way to shoot
Silver is right. You wanna make a stand, you dont gottta do it on court in that type of fashion. Rose midas well tweet a pic.


you guys cry about everything, its against the league rules in the first place to wear anything aside from team gear..

he let it slide for once by not fining anyone which i give him props but i wouldnt be surprised if for some reason after tonight half the league starts doing it he will start handing out fines.
John Wall is the 1st player in Wizards history with 5 strait games of 12 assist. Wiz up 20.
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Waiters with the good 1st half - that trade audition.
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i mean, if i ran an NBA team, i probably wouldn't want videos of the entire team singing songs about loving Cocaine being posted online......
Yep. But obviously people are going to complain about how they should have their rights etc
i mean, if i ran an NBA team, i probably wouldn't want videos of the entire team singing songs about loving Cocaine being posted online......
Yep. But obviously people are going to complain about how they should have their rights etc

they do have their rights but it kinda makes you, your teammates look bad posting videos signing about drugs for kids to se
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