The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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On another subject -- Happy Birthday, MJ. Even though we all know you're kind of a jerk and a terrible dresser, you're still the GOAT.
Blake griffin makes me smh....

Yeah, I actually agree. Weird thing is, I haven't heard a single thing about his kid since it came out that he got that girl pregnant. Not tweets about it from anyone. Nothing. In this day and age, its hard to figure out why that is.

Griffin's kid and Matt Leinart's kid are half-siblings.

The girl who both of them have their children with is the sister of Jordan Cameron on the Browns.
Blake griffin makes me smh....

Yeah, I actually agree. Weird thing is, I haven't heard a single thing about his kid since it came out that he got that girl pregnant. Not tweets about it from anyone. Nothing. In this day and age, its hard to figure out why that is.

Griffin's kid and Matt Leinart's kid are half-siblings.

The girl who both of them have their children with is the sister of Jordan Cameron on the Browns.
poor JC :smh:
No, but only because I don't find the Kardashians attractive, I wouldn't say they been ran through either just had a lot of public relationships.

Fair enough. Its true that these days everybody has a history in that way -- unless you go the CP3 route and marry a girl you been with since she was 18. Never was an issue for me with girls I've been with, so why should it be for Harden?
I want to see Houston go down in flames. All they do is go after whatever the biggest names available are. GM is a idiot. Who can't do his job? I hate seeing people act high and mighty when the job they do can be done by a 10 year old playing 2K15.

Side Note: Rockets jerseys are strait garbage. Change that mess please.

Morey traded for Harden, in retrospect stealing him for pennies on the dollar.
Leinart :smh:

he had it all at USC, also had Reggie Bush :lol:

Reggie Bush might be the best college player of the 2000's.

Both of them underachieved in the Pro's like a ************, reminds me of those early millennium UNC basketball squads.
I was 8 or so rows up from witnessing

Lot of folks questioned Bush going into the pros though, they saw it coming. He still had a decent career, before last year he had a great season with the Lions
I became a Bush fan after his last season at USC loved the way he ran but all that dancing wasn't gonna work at the next level. Plus the injuries. He was great last year though and still is a very good receiving back.
As long as Amare's body holds up he should be able to produce something. However, Amare can stagnate ball movement on offense if you're running post up plays for him. He can still hit the mid-range shot, he'll finish when he can. Rebounding can be a mixed bag, as long as his heads in the game he'll go after the boards. He'll play defense 1 outta 4 possessions. He's been sitting for a while so he might need time to get rolling again also.

Tried to be as objective as possible.
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Looks like the Jazz are holding tight on Kanter, asking for a young star and first rounder

He'll be a RFA so that price gonna go down real quick the longer they keep him

If he does hit the market, I wonder how much he'll command though
Dope, got love for my main man Ahmad Rashad but he's getting by on rep, dude is not a good interviewer.

Would have love to see him with Bill Simmons but we know how that ends.

I mean I can understand why they went with that tone for the special last night. It was just a basic career retrospective type thing for NBA tv. This article is pretty real though.

Can't wait for that Muse documentary Kobe is coming out with at the end of the month.
It's funny. Reading the past five pages makes it seem like Rondo is going to be our #2 or #3 option on offense, while Amare is going to be our starting PF/C. :lol:

Rondo is not even our fourth option on offense in the starting five. You can continue to talk about his woes on offense, but continue to neglect his impact on the defensive end of the floor.

Amare is lightyears ahead of Dwight Powell and Charlie Villanueva. At the end of the day, that's what is important.

A washed up Dirk is averaging 18/6/2 on 47/36/88% shooting. :lol:

People thought Dirk was done in 2011. People thought we were bringing back a washed up Tyson Chandler BOTH times we got him. People thought Monta would be a bad fit with Dirk. People still think it's a bad fit with Rondo.

And if it truly is a bad fit? Next year we'll part ways. But we had to try it out. The true test of success will be in April and May. I honestly have a lot of leniency with Rondo, because you're throwing a starting PG out there who is asked to share the backcourt with a ball-dominant SG. How often do mid-season PG acquisitions go smoothly get the get-go? Kidd had a tremendous amount of struggle with him when he came to Dallas again, but things got much better.
I became a Bush fan after his last season at USC loved the way he ran but all that dancing wasn't gonna work at the next level. Plus the injuries. He was great last year though and still is a very good receiving back.

Yeah, his career has been disappointing, but I don't think he's a bust either. He's not an every down kind of back in the NFL, but he's still a threat that has to be accounted for. Plus, he did help the Saints win a Super Bowl. (Sorry for the thread derail - but since it came up).
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