The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Looks like the Jazz are holding tight on Kanter, asking for a young star and first rounder

He'll be a RFA so that price gonna go down real quick the longer they keep him

If he does hit the market, I wonder how much he'll command though

They still don't wanna let Gobert be great. :smh:
I became a Bush fan after his last season at USC loved the way he ran but all that dancing wasn't gonna work at the next level. Plus the injuries. He was great last year though and still is a very good receiving back.

Yeah, his career has been disappointing, but I don't think he's a bust either. He's not an every down kind of back in the NFL, but he's still a threat that has to be accounted for. Plus, he did help the Saints win a Super Bowl. (Sorry for the thread derail - but since it came up).
yeah for sure. when he's healthy he could still be explosive catching balls out of the backfield.

ill read that kirby interview later, got the tv one dvr'd
Phoenix's asking price... hope Dragic walks.

Though most likely he'll opt in, and hope to strike it rich when the cap jumps up again.
"I could play for five or six more years if I wanted to. But I don't. This year and next year is enough"

If you haven't seen Kobe live before, next season is your last chance, according to him. I can't express how much of a great read that GQ piece is. The complete opposite of Vanilla
Dont think theres anything spectacular about these interviews. They are setup for the dame responses.

Would rather see him being asked about Malone, Colorofo incident, him not having any sons in the lineage, hom being blasted by childs and how he got back with Vanessa and stuff like that.

All that other stuf is bleh.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall during a Kobe-Malone convo 
If you haven't seen Kobe live before, next season is your last chance, according to him. I can't express how much of a great read that GQ piece is. The complete opposite of Vanilla

Wish every athlete was as candid as Kobe is but he's in a unique position.
Rondo is not even our fourth option on offense in the starting five. You can continue to talk about his woes on offense, but continue to neglect his impact on the defensive end of the floor.

Amare is lightyears ahead of Dwight Powell and Charlie Villanueva. At the end of the day, that's what is important.

A washed up Dirk is averaging 18/6/2 on 47/36/88% shooting. :lol:

People thought Dirk was done in 2011. People thought we were bringing back a washed up Tyson Chandler BOTH times we got him. People thought Monta would be a bad fit with Dirk. People still think it's a bad fit with Rondo.

  • Rondo is your point guard and facilitator. or at least should be if he's on the court. if not, he shouldnt be on the court much. He's obviously not a top tier scoring option for yall, but he has the ball a lot. When people gameplan, his inability to score is an actual factor that opposition uses.
  • I would rather untap Dwight's potential. "lightyears" with Amare's current body is a reach.
  • Dirk's statline is bummy for a guy that's expected to be your star. He isn't though, it's Monta, which is flawed imo.
  • Chandler can be "washed" and still provide an extremely impactful/important role of rebounding/defense. I don't remember many people calling him washed though. He's been doing the same things he does forever. He's a very impactful role player.
  • Kidd learned how to shoot the 3 better which is all that was needed to fit into his role offensively besides the stuff he already did at an elite level. If Rondo learns to knock down a spot up jumper, his value will skyrocket on that team.
  • Yall are still trash though. but with really good coaching. You got Monta, Parsons, and Dirk all holding each other back. because they're all marginally better than the next. Dirk is the only true star that can push yall to contend and he's simply not the same Dirk as the championship run. Even the Spurs have had that the entire time. and their top 3 guys dump on the Mavs.
Dont think theres anything spectacular about these interviews. They are setup for the dame responses.

Would rather see him being asked about Malone, Colorofo incident, him not having any sons in the lineage, hom being blasted by childs and how he got back with Vanessa and stuff like that.

All that other stuf is bleh.

You have to read the GQ one then. That's the closest your going to get honestly. It's the first time I've ever read Kobe talking about Phil and Colorado in this way.

Which brings us to the hinge-point in the career of Kobe Bryant: the week he checked into a Colorado hotel room, had sex with a woman who worked there, and was subsequently arrested on a sexual-assault charge. A year later, the charges were dropped and Bryant apologized. But the incident will (obviously) never go away. When Bryant dies, the accusation will probably appear in the second paragraph of his obituary. And he knows this.

"I started to consider the mortality of what I was doing," he says. At the time, he was 24. "What's important? What's not important? What does it mean when everybody loves you, and then everybody hates your guts for something they think you did? So that's when I decided that—if people were going to like me or not like me—it was going to be for who I actually was. To hell with all that plain vanilla ****, just to get endorsement deals. Those are superficial, anyway. I don't enjoy doing them, anyway. I'll just show people who I actually am.... The [loss of the] endorsements were really the least of my concerns. Was I afraid of going to jail? Yes. It was twenty-five to life, man. I was terrified. The one thing that really helped me during that process—I'm Catholic, I grew up Catholic, my kids are Catholic—was talking to a priest. It was actually kind of funny: He looks at me and says, 'Did you do it?' And I say, 'Of course not.' Then he asks, 'Do you have a good lawyer?' And I'm like, 'Uh, yeah, he's phenomenal.' So then he just said, 'Let it go. Move on. God's not going to give you anything you can't handle, and it's in his hands now. This is something you can't control. So let it go.' And that was the turning point."
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I will say that yall Dallas fans got a lot of hope and optimism which I can respect.

Hope you keep it as you watch them go down in 5 to the Rockets.
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Where were all these Warrior fans 4-6yrs ago :x :lol:

Ill tell you what though they dont wanna see okc in the 1st rd or Spurs in the 2nd.

The real question is where did all of the Laker fans go? Most of the annoying ones have been gone since they started sucking :lol:
Phoenix's asking price... hope Dragic walks.

Though most likely he'll opt in, and hope to strike it rich when the cap jumps up again.

It's the smarter move when you think about it barring injury.

He gets to play on a competitive team while showcasing his skill set, cash in when his max will be way higher.
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