The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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How many games do you have to play to be on the MVP ballot? Russ definitely deserves a spot if he meets the requirements.
Would be funny if Bhullar gets picked up and becomes viable for another team in the league, if that happens then Kings trash has to be one of the best in the league, if only he could jump or get himself more than a two inches off the ground(not that it would matter with someone his size). Might have potential someday, maybe.

Been away a few days.

First my Wizards are fraud. All slander is welcome, just PM it to me so we avoid clogging the thread. All 28 teams can take their shot except the Bulls. As bad is we look they still can't beat us 7 games.

Love the youngest to get 5000 REB. Hawks are fraud, Barkley was right as always about jump shooting teams. Love and Chuck deserve apologies from most of you guys.
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Reggie is a herb for the way he let it play out.

i was watching one game and he took some dumb as shot at the end of the quarter(some stepback nonsense). somebody said something to him and you could see him say "i dont care, whatever."

KD taking time off to play with his new NBA 2KTV GF
shes fine. who is that? I assume shes some sort of internet talk show host with u saying 2ktv. can she actually play or is she just a face?

and westbrook looked amazing out there. i dont see anyone else in the mvp race besides westbrook, harden, and steph. theyve been amazing all year long. also, that richard jefferson dunk is sus. he aint jump like that in 5 years. and he used the mean stiff arm on mkg. BUT! a poster is a poster, that ish was NASTY
Been away a few days.

First my Wizards are fraud. All slander is welcome, just PM it to me so we avoid clogging the thread. All 28 teams can take their shot except the Bulls. As bad is we look they still can't beat us 7 games.

Love the youngest to get 5000 REB. Hawks are fraud, Barkley was right as always about jump shooting teams. Love and Chuck deserve apologies from most of you guys.
Jump Shooting teams have won the last Four Finals
KD taking time off to play with his new NBA 2KTV GF
shes fine. who is that? I assume shes some sort of internet talk show host with u saying 2ktv. can she actually play or is she just a face?
Shes on NBA2k15 and interviews players and does all the promo stuff. I doubt she can play at all. But yeah I think shes cute too, caught myself watching one of those cheesy videos for its duration cause I was looking at her the whole time.
Does the thunder even need kd with the way kyle Singler has stepped up? Trade him. Now. I don't care if the deadline is past. Get it done

Reggie is a herb for the way he let it play out.

i was watching one game and he took some dumb as shot at the end of the quarter(some stepback nonsense). somebody said something to him and you could see him say "i dont care, whatever."


He seems really emotional /immature. First the tears after the memphis game, then the tears of joy tweet and there was an article that came out after the trade where he broke down crying while being interviewed about the okc situation. Honestly I hope he succeeds but damn....pull yourself together bruh
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Westbrook can average 100 points for the rest of the season. As long as GS and HOU remain in the top 3-4 teams in the West... Its a 2 man race between Beard and Steph.

Kobea 2006 season thought us that even if a guy is having a monster season...if he's on a bottom seed it won't matter come MVP time.
Reggie is a herb for the way he let it play out.

i was watching one game and he took some dumb as shot at the end of the quarter(some stepback nonsense). somebody said something to him and you could see him say "i dont care, whatever."

What games was this?

On another note...

Jump shooting teams with the best player in the world, one with possibly the best PF ever and another with 2 7 footers. Tyson being legit on defense. The jump shooting teams I'm referring to are ATL and Golden State. Who have none of that. Unless your counting on Bogut.

Y'all know damn well what Chuck means when he says jump shooting teams. antidope antidope
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Jump shooting teams with the best player in the world, one with possibly the best PF ever and another with 2 7 footers. Tyson being legit on defense. The jump shooting teams I'm referring to are ATL and Golden State. Who have none of that. Unless your counting on Bogut.

Y'all know damn well what Chuck means when he says jump shooting teams. @Antidope@Antidope<!--bluecoat_old_onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() { if (bluecoat_old_onload != null) {try {bluecoat_old_onload();} catch (e) {}}bluecoat_fixpopups();};//-->
Seems like a lot of extra qualifiers to me. Chuck is always quick to dismiss the fact that the last four champions were jumpshooting teams and say that they had talent, but isnt that how you win championships? With Talent? At the end of the day all these teams ran offenses set around taking jump shots. IF GSW wins he will change the criteria once again and say something to the effect of "Well they had two of the best shooters of all time on one team, its not the same". He just refuses to admit he was wrong and relent to the fact that the NBA has changed since the days when he played.

Jump Shooting teams are winning championships. Its as simple as that.
^ I was gonna say, lebron/wade/parker/duncan are not exactly jump shooters
Those teams were jump shooting teams though. They were taking and making jumpers at a high rate, the two MIA Vs SAS series those teams were the top two three point shooting teams in the league, in 2013 the Spurs and the Heat last year took the most combined threes in the finals ever, what more do people want to see?
Reggie is a herb for the way he let it play out.

i was watching one game and he took some dumb as shot at the end of the quarter(some stepback nonsense). somebody said something to him and you could see him say "i dont care, whatever."


:nerd: he was full on YOLO it seems

Westbrook can average 100 points for the rest of the season. As long as GS and HOU remain in the top 3-4 teams in the West... Its a 2 man race between Beard and Steph.


i dont think u streched that out enough...
What were the Shaq and Kobe Lakers? Would you say they were a jump shooting team. I wouldn't. I don't remember Fish, Fox, Horry, Kobe and them all shooting poorly either.
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