The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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not even, i said this in here during the series. you again provided no counter to anything. just empty talk.

Go watch some tape of the first half of last season. He was unstoppable. But yall think RWB is more unstoppable, so I literally wont counter any of that talk anymore. Gotta go back to calling yall cats lazy
What KD did without Russ last year
What Russ is doing without KD. from the MVP award, to impact, and considering he had a worse surrounding cast.
the only injuries we had last year, aside from russ, were perkins and Thabo each missing just over 20 games each.. which probably helped the team

on top of kd and russ both missing time this season.. you also have adams missing weeks.. and this was after the 2nd game of the year:
idk if you watch basketball or not but the Hornets are 5th in defense. so its kinda impressive what he did against them.

word, do they normally shut down the better point guards? I know they're up there defensively, but my Rockets are ranked high in defensive efficiency, and our defense is trash. just has some spurts of good
if we're not talking about this season what are we talking about?
we're talking about seasons in which the Thunder were contenders and yet were held back. KD has been out half the damn season. Their record is lowkey trash now. With their leader, Westbrook at the helm
you do realize westbrook broke his hand in the 2nd game of the year, this season?

ibaka got hurt before the western conference finals last year (plus westbrook missing time throughout the season)

westbrook got hurt in the 2nd game of the playoffs the year before, when we were the top seed

the thunder lost to the eventual champs 4 out of the last 5 years
idk if you watch basketball or not but the Hornets are 5th in defense. so its kinda impressive what he did against them.

word, do they normally shut down the better point guards? I know they're up there defensively, but my Rockets are ranked high in defensive efficiency, and our defense is trash. just has some spurts of good


we're trash, but spurts of good defense have us ranked at the top of the league in a stat that measures defensive efficiency over the course of the season.

charles barkley, is that you?
lots and lots of volume (record breaking high amount) + "spurts of good defense".

until someone can find me a stat for the Rockets transition defense I'm not hearing yall homers on the Rockets defense either.
I hope KD's foot is okay. I can't help but wonder if the grueling NBA schedule is to blame or is it his light shoes...

In any event I trust that OKC is doing everything they can to fix the foot up the right way. When I hear screws and things like that I have to remind myself it's not 1997 and this isn't you know who
we've been over this, yet you refuse to look at any of the stats. you're set on your own eye test, which i'm surprised doesn't tell you our transition defense is poor because of our offensive floor balance and live ball turnovers. having guys in each corner, plus the 2 involved in the pick and roll, 4 players are under the FT line. if you turn it over, you're gonna have a 3 on 1 run out.

with a healthy roster, we are an elite defense. i don't know why you're fighting that so much.
KD was distributing the pill last year with Caron Butler, Jeremy Lamb, Derek Fisher, Thabo on the court

whilst putting up Michael Jordan scoring numbers.

bad system and lack of willingness to pass are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Correcting the latter will actually help overcome the prior

yall keep acting like im attacking westbrook and leaving out all other factors.

i already said Brooks was trash. I already said their iso ball was trash.

as the PG, you have to focus more on the facilitating and getting others their touches. You can't be score first with another better score first guy on the court.

but yall think RWB is more unstoppable, so the debate ends there I guess
lots and lots of volume (record breaking high amount) + "spurts of good defense".

until someone can find me a stat for the Rockets transition defense I'm not hearing yall homers on the Rockets defense either.
It's probably because of all the 3s we take that's why it looks like we are terrible at it but
Fastbreak points only account for on average 10-15 ppg it is still possible to build an above average defense conceding a league high in fast break points
I'm fighting it because we got washed in the playoffs in the first round with a defense that had good statistical ratings. and we're blowing leads to subpar teams this year with all of this good defense talk.
It's probably because of all the 3s we take that's why it looks like we are terrible at it but
Fastbreak points only account for on average 10-15 ppg it is still possible to build an above average defense conceding a league high in fast break points

cmon man, i mentioned the 3 ball/lack of offense contributing to our defense in the Rockets thread already. Like the westbrook supporters, you're not acknowledging my acknowledgement of that already.

But when you're in the 4th quarter and teams are not even letting you shoot the 3 ball like that (see portland series), this isnt' an excuse. Harden was out there missing in the half court. yet our leads were being evaporated.
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