The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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On a serious note does Lebron ever get hurt?!?! Like everybody else even the greats that have been in the league have injuries that sit them out for a while

Like I'm really beginning to think this dude ain't normal....
Dude is on the sauce. I'm convinced.
dude had to sit out for a bit while he re-upped on his supply
I feel like if anybody can bring the best out of MCW it's, Kidd.

He was basically the same player early in his career.
I feel like if anybody can bring the best out of MCW it's, Kidd.

He was basically the same player early in his career.
Yea, except for the part about being one of the greatest passers we've ever seen and having unbelievable court vision? 
24-9 run. I watched this game. Bucks looked solid otherwise even without MCW
Hawks had already built a 16 point lead going into the 3rd quarter. Then let the Bucks come back by stupid turnovers just like the Toronto and Boston game. But then started the 4th on that 24 to 9 run. Hawks still out of rhythm from All Star Break and missin Thabo badly.
Thomas Robinson to Brooklyn.

This would have meant Blatche to Memphis, but I'm sure the Heat are the frontrunners now with Bosh out. :smh:
aye is there something wrong with TRob or something that only GMs know about? Dude couldn't get a fair shake when it came to playing time and development and now he's been traded and waived more times than I can count. Must be poison to a young player's confidence. :smh:
Grizz probably going to end up with Kenyon Martin :x

I wish Jon Leuer would just step his damn game up and play the way he was last season. I don't know if he's afraid of the big moment or what. Shawne Williams would be another good option, but he definitely needs to stay far away from Memphis. He gets into too much trouble whenever he's here.
aye is there something wrong with TRob or something that only GMs know about? Dude couldn't get a fair shake when it came to playing time and development and now he's been traded and waived more times than I can count. Must be poison to a young player's confidence. :smh:

dudes in the nba are bigger/faster/stronger. cant rely on physial tools like in college
not skilled enough to play on the perimeter
@Rusty_SFChron: Stephen Curry said his injury isn't related to his ankle. "We're two years removed from that."
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