The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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DJ needs to be out there down the stretch they need another ballhandler and not 2 non threats in Roberson and Waiters out there. It's to easy to load up on Russ, though he definitely should have hit Serge at the elbow.
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No Reggie, but Brent Barry
brent is totally fine

his "richard" brother jon is the cause of isis and malnourishment in the world
I have to definitively know Brooks drew up a play for Russell Westbrook to catch the ball 30 feet away from the cup before I blame him.
Same time, have you seen the Thunder end of games possessions over the last few yrs? It's usually Russ or KD 1-4 iso that ends up in a 27ft contested 3 anyways

Don't know what he drew up but nobody could get open anyways.

Thabo's ability to make great in bound passes is an underrated missing aspect from this team.
shouldve burned that 20 once the options were dead

what was worst was the play where russ threw up the airball. serge had that shot going all night
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KD ain't never gonna play a game again until he starts wearing LeBron's. His shoes are made out of paper mache, ol' cheap *** Nikes. Get this dude some Foams
Russ is murdering the Thunder in the final seconds of close games.  He forgets about his tiam mates.
We're 9 of our last 12. He definitely missed Ibaka on that previous possession though
Portland, Lakers and Philly he did some bone headed things in the final seconds. Lucked out and won the Lakers game and the Philly game, lost the Portland one and this one.

9 of 12 is nice and I'm happy no doubt, but that doesn't change the fact that he's making it hard on the guys in close games.
KD ain't never gonna play a game again until he starts wearing kobe's. His shoes are made out of paper mache, ol' cheap *** Nikes. Get this dude some Foams

no need for lebrons unless you're trying to finish the water temple 
KD ain't never gonna play a game again until he starts wearing LeBron's. His shoes are made out of paper mache, ol' cheap *** Nikes. Get this dude some Foams

Nike broke his feet :lol:

Tried to explain it in the KD thread but they were not having it
Batum continues to struggle to find consistency with his shot.

Pretty weird considering all other aspects of his game are unaffected. He's just lost his shooting touch this year.
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