The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Damn been at work all day, did I miss the cavs slander? Fools gold talk?
didnt see much....thought for sure there'd be some after Lebron kept saying he sucks after the game. 

can't "slander and hate" all the time. gotta take a night off sometimes.
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I do applaud Kerr for managing Lee and Bogut's minutes during the regular.

Even in close games those 2 never seem to crack the 25 minute mark.

He is on his way to greatness, Kerr is.
Was at the Mavs/Dubs game tonight. It sucked. :lol:

Was able to meet Mark Followill and Derek Harper during halftime though.
Was at the Mavs/Dubs game tonight. It sucked.

Was able to meet Mark Followill and Derek Harper during halftime though.
What stance do you have on the Mavs right now...

Do you think Carlisle can flip it and get them playing surely come playoffs or no?
What stance do you have on the Mavs right now...
Do you think Carlisle can flip it and get them playing surely come playoffs or no?

Monta's body language is pisspoor right now. Dirk I feel like can turn it on at anytime. Tyson always brings it. But the same tenacity that Monta had last year in the Playoffs? He hasn't had it since the All-Star Break.

If we get a good matchup and can win our first round, I like us as an outside chance. If we matchup with the Warriors first round? RIP. We'll compete. I still want to see what kind of fire we bring in the Playoffs. Our heart just hasn't been in it recently. Effort just hasn't been there.
There's definitely respect and comradery between Rondo and Monta though. Watching their rapport on the floor, it was evident that they want to make it work. It's not toxic. It just hasn't been as effective as they'd like.

I'd like Carlisle to kick Monta's *** the same way he did with Rondo. He needs it.
**** gets real when Playoffs start nearing.

I think now more than ever, NBA players are managing their talents and watching for matchups, potential playoff matchups that is.
rondo.looks slow. still got great hands, but too bad. maybe if he lost some weighr and thr work
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