The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I think it would be beneficial to the thread to see you and the other jumpman argue this for the next few pages, if you don't mind
Don't recall me and the other jumpman ever arguing about anything. Nothing to argue about. Nor with you either sir.
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Mayweather has never fought pac man. But it's what the people want
But "the people" say we're annoying and hated. It's really all in good fun. Let me know when your team is having by far their best year ever in the history of the franchise while doing it the right way with the right guys playing unselfish egoless hustle basketball. Without having the prototypical "superstar or superstars" just makes it that much more pleasurable to me personally. 4th cheapest roster in the league. The Hawks are the anti Cavs.
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It was really just a joke man :lol:. Hawks are on top of the world right now. Enjoy it bro no one can take that from you
I really hate that "right way" bs I hear all the time.

Just cause you have a high payroll or superstars doesn't mean you're doing it the wrong way. There is no right way.
I really hate that "right way" bs I hear all the time.

Just cause you have a high payroll or superstars doesn't mean you're doing it the wrong way. There is no right way.
I agree with that. Same goes for that BS about u can't win without a "go to guy"
Spike Lee on why he attended the Warriors / Mavs game last year "I Haven't seen a good basketball game this year"
Korver, Millsap, Carroll all sitting out tonight vs Philly. Even tho they all only played 32-33 mins a piece last night. No Hawk player played more than 34 mins last night - Horford. James played 40 mins. Kyrie played 42 mins. Love played 35 mins.
The right way is hiring a smart GM and a great head coach. Not retread morons. Many different ways to build a winner, but you can't make it possible without those two guys leading the show.
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