The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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that was a nice lil dunk-by/around from wilson chandler. pero didnt even bother, if you see from other angle, he isnt even in the shot.
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thats cuz just like brooklyn did to avery they QUIT

He was horrible though, I don't blame them.

With a good coach they have potential.

Lawson can be a borderline elite PG in the right system, Nurkic is a going to be really good already good rim protector, Faried been a different player and Gallo is healthy.
You're talking about a guy who purposely leaked out information regarding Denver's feelings towards Faried and then decided to work rotations worse than I've seen anyone do other than Byron Scott. Said Faried was the MVP of Team USA and then a day later cut him to pieces. Brian Shaw can go **** himself. How can anyone defend him :lol:
that lowkey be the thing that kills me. when we're having a debate or convo and somebody reaches all the way back in time to prove a point. so rose cooked teague one sunday 4 yrs ago. lol. ay remember that time a.i. crossed jordan? lawd he got in his *** that game.
Okay, but he asked if a rival point ever cooked him. This is the type of question that you have to go back in time to prove the point. :smh:

whats the general definition of rival then? I take it to mean, in sports, that we're roughly on the same level and talent when we compete against each other. Teague is just now putting all of his skills together. 4 years ago dude was nothing. It was cake for d.rose to walk all over him. Teague is in his peak now. it'd be like gassing up cp3 cooking mike conley in those early years when mike was absolutely atrocious. You just gotta wave those off. Whatchu doing today bruh.
too D. Rose like....
anyone down to create a website and write about basketball? i already have some ideas that will surely earn us respect among basketball hipsters

1. CPOC (coaches presence on court) a metric that creates a ratio of stats team stats that counter balances the standard deviation of player performance when the head coach is standing to when he is sitting. with this we will be able to know for sure who the best coach in the league is

2. ARPG (assisted rebounds per game) a complicated formula that calculates how many of a players shots are rebounded by basketball players on the court.

3. NTA (no touch assist) a stat for every time a team scores and a player doesnt touch the ball on that possession. it can be argued that this player who did nothing actually contributed most to the successful possession by distracting everyone thus allowing his teammate to score

4. MWS (moral win shares) more important than win shares, this stat tracks how many moral victories a player causes per season

im sure other people also have next level stats that will revolutionise the way we view basketball

we can become NT grantland 
get them to the right people and some type of deviation will be used for CPOC and ARPG (should be some metric of how player A boxed out an opposing player to help his teammate get the rebound) and people will go ahead using it in debates to prove how much value their favorite player/coach has

a quarter of the posts in here are just like this on a lot of days
 There was some Bird slander in here a while back...

look at the Hawks bench......
Wish Westbrook would dunk on people in traffic more often like kobe did. feels like guys like frobe, mj and tmac dunked on shot blockers way more than today's stars
Wish Westbrook would dunk on people in traffic more often like kobe did. feels like guys like frobe, mj and tmac dunked on shot blockers way more than today's stars

**** **** i wish bron would do it while he still has the bounce. dude has the size and strength to go through people.

i remember blakes first official season dude was unconscious.
Those frobe dunks are filthy, every single last one of them :smokin ....

**** got me wanting to go play 2k :lol:
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