The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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mike fratello sounding like he wants to give marv albert the hands over that flagrant foul.
I was gonna say it earlier but how can you hate Grantland when the site you write for a lot of the times is a huge copy/paste job? So many articles I've seen on Bleacher Report are devoid of any real creativity or free thinking. FTR not you though, whenever you post articles here I read them and like you said you have things of substance within them.
[thread="608612"]I'm a sports writer. I need to show evidence to prove the points I'm making :lol: if I didn't write I probably wouldn't care about that stuff.[/thread]
I was gonna say it earlier but how can you hate Grantland when the site you write for a lot of the times is a huge copy/paste job? So many articles I've seen on Bleacher Report are devoid of any real creativity or free thinking. FTR not you though, whenever you post articles here I read them and like you said you have things of substance within them.
Nah I know fam. I honestly don't like Grantland really for that article about the transgender golf club maker. That whole story and the way they pushed to publish it against the persons wishes really upset me. Some things in journalism are best left unsaid and in privacy.

Thanks for reading btw. I really do appreciate it. No sarcasm :lol:
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[thread="608612"]2014 2015 Nba Regular Season Thread Mem Was At 7 00 Pm And Cle Sas At 9 30 Pm On Tnt/89550#post_22876083​[/thread]
I was gonna say it earlier but how can you hate Grantland when the site you write for a lot of the times is a huge copy/paste job? So many articles I've seen on Bleacher Report are devoid of any real creativity or free thinking. FTR not you though, whenever you post articles here I read them and like you said you have things of substance within them.
Nah I know fam. I honestly don't like Grantland really for that article about the transgender golf club maker. That whole story and the way they pushed to publish it against the persons wishes really upset me. Some things in journalism are best left unsaid and in privacy.
Oh yeah I forgot about that, and then the apology. That whole situation was real cringeworthy
Yeah man there was just no need to push forward with that whole situation. I've honestly soured on Grantland as a direct result of that.
I honestly don't like Grantland really for that article about the transgender golf club maker. That whole story and the way they pushed to publish it against the persons wishes really upset me. Some things in journalism are best left unsaid and in privacy.
Yeah, this I agree with. They really messed up on that one.
MCW having a solid month so far. Not a fan of him or anything but I started paying more attention to him since NT had a freak out over his potential 
Grizz don't care about this Game. And it isn't over yet
 at the Wizards fans getting crazy all of a sudden hoping they would get something free if Calethes missed that FT
Chik Fil A is so over rated. Mad expensive for fast food for no reason. Have to buy two things just to get a decent meal out of it.

Except the breakfast chicken biscuits 
Chik Fil A is so over rated. Mad expensive for fast food for no reason. Have to buy two things just to get a decent meal out of it.

Except the breakfast chicken biscuits 
Chicken sandwich is money breh. I order that plus a large fries and it comes out to $5.86. Can't beat that at all
i love Chick Fil A , especially their sauce, but it is kind of overpriced for fast food and the amount of food you get. the spicy deluxe is bomb, but im still hungry after eating one of those + fries. i always gotta add another sandwich or some strips
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I just dont want to go to a fast food place and spend ten dollars+ just to feed me. It defeats the purpose of it being fast food to me. Especially when I can go to Wendys and get a better and bigger chicken sandwich for cheaper.
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