The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I remember when rose was playing and having Kobe type shooting performances this year i was asking the same thing. Why didn't tom t tell him to cut it out.
It's other players too though.. JR Smith, Nick Young, Reggie Jackson still with SVG, Brandon Jennings for a while, the list goes on

I understand that the league only has so much talent but it always amazes me just how much freedom these type of players get

All those guys are on terrible teams that's why.

JR been playing great as a Cav, Jennings was playing at a career best level before his injury and Waiters will play just as terrible when the Thunder are full strength.
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waiters = the second coming of trash
It's other players too though.. JR Smith, Nick Young, Reggie Jackson still with SVG, Brandon Jennings for a while, the list goes on

I understand that the league only has so much talent but it always amazes me just how much freedom these type of players get
brandon jennings and jr are exceptions
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