The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I usually don't complain about refs like this. And in honesty I only watched midway thru the 3rd quarter til the end because I got back from the gym and missed the 1st half.

It's pretty clear that the calls favored the Mavericks late in the game, but those same calls were being made against the Mavericks in the first half. Needless to say, the refs didn't really have control of the game.
Is it always this tough to watch a Boogie Cousins game? From it looking like the refs are targeting him, getting frustrated like he wants to throw his mouth piece every other play etc. It doesn't make it any better that the team isn't helping him out...

--Mocking the refs stance to get a technical as well.
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It's pretty clear that the calls favored the Mavericks late in the game, but those same calls were being made against the Mavericks in the first half. Needless to say, the refs didn't really have control of the game.

Those calls Okc was getting were inside plays with kanter and give me plays after steals to prevent fastbreaks. What are you talking about? :lol: those techs were garbage besides Tysons crying and pushing.
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Sig check. Gobert. Jazz. Team is fun to watch. Especially on defense. Dude is playing prime Dwight Howard type defense.
Is it always this tough to watch a Boogie Cousins game? From it looking like the refs are targeting him, getting frustrated like he wants to throw his mouth piece every other play etc. It doesn't make it any better that the team isn't helping him out...

--Mocking the refs stance to get a technical as well.

its.a pleasure watching thr frustration
Damn, man. **** is real out West. We dropped into 7th tonight.

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Who was it that was telling me just today that OKC is Russ' team and KD needs to fall in line.

Was that you Victor Page?

KD is the Pippen though, huh? Putting you on my prayer request list during Sunday Service
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Damn, man. **** is real out West. We dropped into 7th tonight. :wow:. Thanks, OKC.

My boy just texted me this. Didn't even believe it. Life comes at you fast. If we would have won Sunday, we would have been a half game out of 4th. Literally from 4th, to 7th like that. West crazy.

I don't want 7th :frown:
Who was it that was telling me just today that OKC is Russ' team and KD needs to fall in line.

Was that you Victor Page?

KD is the Pippen though, huh? Putting you on my prayer request list during Sunday Service
Yes. KD is the Beta. He's Scottie Pippen. Russ been carrying him and bailing him out for all these years.

Hell...half the time Russ turns the ball's because KD is too weak to get open. KD never averaged a triple double for a month. Give props where it's due fam.

Glorified spot up shooter.
You normally keep it pretty on point Victor. 

You are way off here though. 

Like troll off or something. Oh well, can't be right about everything G.
Espn anchors again proving they don't know ****. John Barry raving about ellington and hill

Sometimes I wonder if they even follow the game. Just last night they had whoever raving about how special Nate Robinson is :lol: all while dude can't get on a team
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