The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Jon Barry is by FAR my least favorite NBA commentator.

Man its crazy.

I loved Reggie Miller and Grant Hill as players but as commentors :x

But I hated Jon Berry's ****boy self from day 1. Player, commentator, I've always hated dude.
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You normally keep it pretty on point Victor. 

You are way off here though. 

Like troll off or something. Oh well, can't be right about everything G.
I think he's being sarcastic
steph should just play fair and shoot with his eyes closed

and damn, the KD slander is ridiculous.
I remember how in 2011 teams said Dirk would make shots that just demoralized you.

That's how I feel when I watch Steph. He just demoralizes you.
I remember how in 2011 teams said Dirk would make shots that just demoralized you.

That's how I feel when I watch Steph. He just demoralizes you.

It's true. And you can play good D on him for most of the shot clock, but all he needs is a second - and bang - 3 ball. Frustrating as hell to be the team up against that.
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