The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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My team got 17 wins and its still dominating the talk in the nba thread. What is wrong with some of you? Smh

At this point i rather hear the atlanta hawks injury report from ryanjumpman than this :x
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Jeremy "Can't Miss" Lin 
The hell does my team have to do with yours? :lol:)

You really asking that question, as a Lakers fan? The team whose fan base says "16 banners" whenever another team does anything? Come on, man.
I'm not letting this go.

Been watching this thread become all about the Hawks, Cavs, Blazers JERSEYS... And not one word about the Lakers from Lakers fans.

"Duh. That's how it should be. Y'all suck."

Ok, and we're being quiet about our team except in our thread.

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lakers talk dominating this thread though 

shout out to all the non lakers fans that brought us here
I'm not letting this go.

Been watching this thread become all about the Hawks, Cavs, Blazers JERSEYS... And not I've word about the Lakers from Lakers fans.

"Duh. That's how it should be. Y'all suck."

Ok, and we're being quiet about our team except in our thread.


Not really. I don't think you're paying close enough attention. Lakers (Kobe) fans have hardly been quiet in here.
I'm not letting this go.

Been watching this thread become all about the Hawks, Cavs, Blazers JERSEYS... And not one word about the Lakers from Lakers fans.

"Duh. That's how it should be. Y'all suck."

Ok, and we're being quiet about our team except in our thread.

Not really. I don't think you're paying close enough attention. Lakers (Kobe) fans have hardly been quiet in here.
"2 weeks ago, a Laker fan said a pro-Lakers reply. You guys are the WORST!"

Sure thing, pal. :lol:

I check this thread daily, sometimes hourly.

When I said "Not one word," I didn't mean literally not one word. Jesus. :lol:
It's funny because earlier I was thinking how the lakers had been mostly slanderless this season and now this :lol:

And i wonder why? Is it a coincidence that this guy whos obsessed with the lakers moreso than his own team returns and this thread turns to crap?
"2 weeks ago, a Laker fan said a pro-Lakers reply. You guys are the WORST!"

Sure thing, pal. :lol:

I check this thread daily, sometimes hourly.

When I said "Not one word," I didn't mean literally not one word. Jesus. :lol:

Um, no. It's a lot more than you're making it out to be. But whatever. You want to think other teams' fans make things about the Lakers more than Lakers fans do, carry on.
This is why i will never bad mouth an administrator or moderator again.

Im sure i speak for all of us except for antidote when i say thank you for cleaning up and making sure our threads dont turn into jungles :lol:
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"2 weeks ago, a Laker fan said a pro-Lakers reply. You guys are the WORST!"

Sure thing, pal.

I check this thread daily, sometimes hourly.

When I said "Not one word," I didn't mean literally not one word. Jesus.
Um, no. It's a lot more than you're making it out to be. But whatever. You want to think other teams' fans make things about the Lakers more than Lakers fans do, carry on.
i mean that's literally what happens pretty much every time 

*lakers fan comments on another team/player without mentioning the lakers or a lakers player*

"yeah but the lakers suck" 
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