The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Tom Haberstroh ‏@tomhaberstroh · 37m37 minutes ago
Shooting since All-Star:
Russ: .416/.320/.870
Harden: .393/.328/.859
Steph: .485/.509/.963
CP: .517/.410/.903
"harden cemented the MVP this month"
Tom Haberstroh ‏@tomhaberstroh · 37m37 minutes ago
Shooting since All-Star:
Russ: .416/.320/.870
Harden: .393/.328/.859
Steph: .485/.509/.963
CP: .517/.410/.903
"harden cemented the MVP this month"
"Curry has been meh since New Years."
Missed the Anthony Morrow love in here. Always liked his game. Feels like he never misses.

He calls himself "Black Pachino" btw. That's how I've been addressing him for the past couple years...and will contin to do so.
how would you define Most Valuable Player without using a subjective term?

Thank you sir.

maybe i didn't phrase it in a good way but aweesome said james harden cemented the mvp this month with his play. from all the objective measures, such as team records and individual stats, i can't see why he would made that statement. his only reasoning was that he has a less talented team which is highly subjective. one can argue that the reason why his number is as high it is is because of having more opportunities to do so or his team record would be worse if dwight howard was clogging the middle.
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It's highly subjective that a team giving Terry/Prigioni/Dorsey high minutes is worse than a team with the two DPOY level defenders and 2 other 40% 3pt shooters?

"Frisco" huh? :lol:

Take them homer glasses off, I said Harden cemented it because of you've actually been watching he's singlehandidly winning games for them and playing both guard spots.

Like I said, Curry doesn't face close to those challenges and isn't as valuable to his team as Harden while both teams are in the top 3.

Harden is the MVP, you can think what you want.
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i'm happy to see that houston has moved into the 2 seed. i think they might miss beverly but they will wash the mavs easily.

grizz seem to be slipping as of late.....
It's highly subjective that a team giving Terry/Prigioni/Dorsey high minutes is worse than a team with the two DPOY level defenders and 2 other 40% 3pt shooters?

"Frisco" huh? :lol:
are you willing to place a friendly gentlemen's bet on the out come of the MVP award?
I am not sure if that frisco jabbed was to insinuate that i am a homer or something else. but my whole agreement is that no one cemented anything
Marc needs to snap out of his funk right now.

But, the Grizz losing 3 straight to 3 of the hottest teams in the league is nothing unheard of. I would have been more a little more concerned if we lost to the Knicks, Magic and Celtics in 3 straight games. :lol: Memphis could win their last 7 out of 8 or whatever and end all of the talk about this recent bad stretch of games.

Its several ways you can look at the squad right now, but its a veteran team that has been through a lot. They have definitely been through a lot of adversity compared to the majority of the teams in the West and have overcome it. I just really want the playoffs to start just so I can see if THIS team is what we will see or it'll be a completely different squad (like I'm expecting).

:nerd: @ dat bet tho. About time people putting up their money instead of constantly arguing about it. No one wanted to bet me earlier in the season about the Grizz winning over 47 wins. Better be glad you didn't. :smokin
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The team record argument is going to hold less and less weight. Rockets going to end up with the 3rd best record in the entire league. Beard getting that award.
Steph and Cp3's volume and efficiency are amazing. Particularly Steph.

Cp3 is having a Nash-like MVP season offensively shooting the ball and assisting...with the addition of elite defense. If Steph shot a slightly lower volume hed easily have a 50 40 90 season locked up. Only player I can think of that had this kind of offensive output was Dirk and KD a few years back.

Shooting close to 50 40 90 on a high volume is extremely hard to do. Steph deserves a lot of credit.
Marc needs to snap out of his funk right now.

But, the Grizz losing 3 straight to 3 of the hottest teams in the league is nothing unheard of. I would have been more a little more concerned if we lost to the Knicks, Magic and Celtics in 3 straight games. :lol: Memphis could win their last 7 out of 8 or whatever and end all of the talk about this recent bad stretch of games.

Its several ways you can look at the squad right now, but its a veteran team that has been through a lot. They have definitely been through a lot of adversity compared to the majority of the teams in the West and have overcome it. I just really want the playoffs to start just so I can see if THIS team is what we will see or it'll be a completely different squad (like I'm expecting).

:nerd: @ dat bet tho. About time people putting up their money instead of constantly arguing about it. No one wanted to bet me earlier in the season about the Grizz winning over 47 wins. Better be glad you didn't. :smokin

How do you feel about a possible 3-6 matchup with the Spurs? Of course 2nd seed is still very much in play, but I wouldn't mind 5th at all if I'm a Grizzlies fan.
funny how harden is dominating games and carrying his team more than curry is even though his shooting % is 10% lower

its almost as if shooting efficiency doesnt always equate to being a better basketball palyer 
funny how harden is dominating games and carrying his team more than curry is even though his shooting % is 10% lower

its almost as if shooting efficiency doesnt always equate to being a better basketball palyer :nerd:

Strong avy to post ratio.
Steph and Cp3's volume and efficiency are amazing. Particularly Steph.

Cp3 is having a Nash-like MVP season offensively shooting the ball and assisting...with the addition of elite defense. If Steph shot a slightly lower volume hed easily have a 50 40 90 season locked up. Only player I can think of that had this kind of offensive output was Dirk and KD a few years back.

Shooting close to 50 40 90 on a high volume is extremely hard to do. Steph deserves a lot of credit.

Eh KD did it averaging 28 pts and an extra shot per game. As great of a shooter he is Steph still hasn't cracked 50% in a season from the field.
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