The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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This thread blows

I enjoyed reading about basketball the last few pages in my spare time then bam...
Lol wut....

where did prostitution come from? I think you equating the two is the problem....  you're looking at all sexual professions done by women as the same thing

you call stripping shameful, but do you have these same feelings towards businessmen who making a living selling death?  ie: the tobacco industry?

yes, NT, i know the two professions are different... the point is this moral high ground **** y'all on
LOL.  Those are 2 very different things.  You might as well 'blame' McDonalds for selling you that greasy burger lol.

Everyone's morals be different dough.
All I know is if I play Jay Z music for my future child and they dont like it thats it. IDC what they grow up to be and achieve, cant love them 100% after that
I hear you. I understand your perspective, and used to have it. I gave my sister a verbal BEATDOWN when I found out through a friend she was stripping like 15 years ago. She did it for like a year, and I avoided her so hard the whole time, guilted the HELL out of her. She'd call. "What? Got a real job yet?"

Obviously, I disagree with that perspective now, which is why I no longer feel that way, and last year, I apologized to her.

I definitely understand where you're coming from. Just feel like I've grown out of it.
sister is nothing like a daughter....I understand that at the end of the day I can't control how my kids turn out but to think id be okay with that
.no I'm not cool with that, i wouldnt like that at all , i repeat myself it is not cool or a wise decision "safe "or not.

.. I mean I wouldn't disown my kids no matter what.that I understand ur perspective on that(if thats what you mean by accepting it ) . i feel like if i do my job with them , i have a good shot at them not going down those paths) but nah . it would kill me on the inside for my girls to do that

my brother turned out to be a gangster , everyone else in my fam is straight. my parents werent like that . somethings you have to accept i feel you on that like my parents had to accept that . i dont like that my brother is like that , dont agree with that lifestyle but at the end of day thats still my bro.
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this conversation is WAY over your head if that's the conclusion you've drawn 
You would endorse the foolishness rather than try to talk them out of it. When parents want to be their children's friend instead of the parent. Let me guess, you'd go watch them strip and chear them on too. Be their first customer and all. Foh
ROY Young King.


Son lives on a trampoline.
Nah, my boy Nerlens keeps up the work on the boards and the defensive end and he's got it.

:32 was unfiar though. My man's head went OVER the rim. T Wolves gonna be a problem if they can surround him with some talent.
You would endorse the foolishness rather than try to talk them out of it. When parents want to be their children's friend instead of the parent. Let me guess, you'd go watch them strip and chear them on too. Be their first customer and all. Foh
you said people "WANT" their daughters to become strippers...   

no one said anything of the sorts 

now you just being ridiculous and making up ****..... shut up b 
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