The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Hopefully Rose's Bycycle is made of something stronger than paperclips this time
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Ryan Anderson byke.
This game is a win for us win or lose. If we win then we win that's always a plus, but if the Lakers win then that's one win closer for them to give up their draft pick to us this year.
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[quote name="rck3sactown"]Lakers will be byke before you know it:nerd:

Kings will pretty much be sucky for forever |I

Rck will be alone the rest of his life and never feel a woman's touch :\

damn you patterns  :frown: [/quote] Nope. You're thinking the pattern that will repeat is the short amount of time Shaq to Pau. I'm thinking that the pattern that will be repeated will be the time from Pat Riley to Phil Jackson. :\ |I
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