The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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As a warriors fan, and basketball fan, I know anything can happen in the playoffs. I'm just riding the regular season success because I've never seen this before. If the team loses early, sure I'll be upset, but the team should be pretty good for the near future.

Can't pick him in fantasy now, dude is tripping. :smh:
Thought he said he wouldn't cut it until he won a championship?

Utah Jazz getting in on the April Fool's jokes now. Corny *** joke.
Windhorst boo boo'n on Blatt on this Simmons podcast

What's even worse is the story about Bron not playing in Atlanta the 1st time they came to Philips. Just saying he didn't feel like playing. (around 30:45 mark). Almost spent good money to go to that game. Hearing that is the reason why he didn't play is very disappointing...

Always wondered how Bron feels about Windhorst..
I was disappointed in the Clips. Knowing the Spurs had won earlier, Dray sitting, and the Warriors unable to defend "Quake."

Your thoughts on Griffin's home-court comments?

It's true. There are games in a given season where the Clippers do not have a distinct home court advantage. Last night was one of them. For example, I couldn't believe how quiet it was when Warriors players were shooting free throws during the last minute of the game. If that was going on in Memphis, or Portland or OKC, the crowd would have been deafening. I've seen that kind of thing before when other teams play the Clippers, but this is the first time I remember it being that distinct with the Warriors.

There's a lot of things at play though. A lot of the people who have season seats at Staples have packages so that the have Lakers, Clippers and Kings tickets. So its not just Clippers fans there. There's also a lot of people who come from other places who live in LA, including the Bay Area. They come out to see their home town teams (now anyway, in the case of Bay Area transplants). And the Clippers don't have the history to overcome those factors like the Lakers do. So, until they actually win a title and build a bigger following, I'm afraid its going to continue to be a problem. I expect it to be a non-issue in the playoffs though, when the ticket sales are more controlled.
What's even worse is the story about Bron not playing in Atlanta the 1st time they came to Philips. Just saying he didn't feel like playing. (around 30:45 mark). Almost spent good money to go to that game. Hearing that is the reason why he didn't play is very disappointing...

Always wondered how Bron feels about Windhorst..

Me too, dude seems to be saying a bit too much, some of this seems like it should have stayed in house, especially the part about Love and the GM going at it, which to me all but said Love was in there saying he wanted to bounce.
cp weak af bruh bruh.

Because he had his ankles broken by maybe the best offensive player in the league? It happens. Was Michael Jordan weak because Iverson crossed him up? It was an exceptional move by Curry that would have done the same thing to pretty much anyone else that could have been guarding him on that play - from any team.
Windhorst boo boo'n on Blatt on this Simmons podcast
You guys heard his story of Blatt basically being Lebrons assistant coach during games? 
 The Princeton offense that David Blatt installed in the preseason, they just threw that out. What typically happens—and this has been happening for like three months now—is LeBron will take the ball, and LeBron will call the play. David Blatt will see what play LeBron calls, and he will repeat it to the team. That happens on a regular basis.
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