The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Well, at least you can't say CP isn't a good sport about the whole thing . . .

Chris Paul ‏@CP3 · 10h10 hours ago
Hey @kevinhart4real out of the 8 you sent me, this was the funniest one!! Now relax lol #GotMe…
This ESPN layout :stoneface:

On FF, and none of the tabs at the top for other leagues (MLB/NFL/NHL) open when clicked :smh:

Friends, teammates, and family remember the career, legacy, and tragic death of former Charlotte Hornets guard Bobby Phills

Great article.

Great article but the part that stuck out the most to me and was unsettling was this quote

Shinn found his worst fears confirmed. When the Hornets returned to playing, Shinn visited the locker room before a game shortly after the accident. There was none of the normal jabbering among players. Just silence. “Like a funeral,” Shinn said. He recalled only two players who had never turned down requests to appear at charitable events. “Those guys were Bobby Phills and Muggsy Bogues,” he said. “I was always told: Don’t fall in love with the horses — talking about the players.

The horses? Like really? That's so disturbing how these owners truly view these players behind closed doors.
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Still amazes me how some of these guys (Harden, Curry) were being taught by Bron and CP3 at camps. Now, they are elites in the league as well.

cp3 was talm bout JR i betchu.

Hassem Thibbett was there too and he is epically awful. I wish there was footage from the camp outsdie of bron talking to his 'dawgs'. i wanna see how curry and beard fared.
You guys heard his story of Blatt basically being Lebrons assistant coach during games? 

No way Blatt is the coach next year.
I wouldn't mind seeing him get another shot somehwere else because I feel for him. He was put in a situation that's as awful as could be for a 1st time coach. He never stood a chance once 'Bron was coming back 
cp weak af bruh bruh.

Because he had his ankles broken by maybe the best offensive player in the league? It happens. Was Michael Jordan weak because Iverson crossed him up? It was an exceptional move by Curry that would have done the same thing to pretty much anyone else that could have been guarding him on that play - from any team.

damn you're caping hardbody.
I wouldn't mind seeing him get another shot somehwere else because I feel for him. He was put in a situation that's as awful as could be for a 1st time coach. He never stood a chance once 'Bron was coming back 
agreed,,, lj couldnt pull that ish with the heat but obviously dan gilbert doesnt mind letting lj control everything.... blatt has to put up with this prima donna... so disrespectful... not  good leadership by lj 
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Because he had his ankles broken by maybe the best offensive player in the league? It happens. Was Michael Jordan weak because Iverson crossed him up? It was an exceptional move by Curry that would have done the same thing to pretty much anyone else that could have been guarding him on that play - from any team.
 eghhhh i dunno about ALL that fambz. it was a basic behind the back. cp3 took a bad step, but he took it at the worst time. u know the rules. and then curry hit the shot. thats a wrap. but i dont think everyone would get broke off with a behind the back like that. it was just unlucky
Great article but the part that stuck out the most to me and was unsettling was this quote
The horses? Like really? That's so disturbing how these owners truly view these players behind closed doors.

I've seen guys ***** about the comparison, but there is a lot of slavery-esque thinking when it comes to sports.

The backlash Bron, Wade and Bosh got when they decided to take things in their own hands should have showed people, but a lot of it was veiled as people hating the whole "super team" idea but there were also people who didn't like seeing young black dudes bucking the norm.
Cp0 seems like a cool dude off court. But he is one little ***** on court.
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Shinn found his worst fears confirmed. When the Hornets returned to playing, Shinn visited the locker room before a game shortly after the accident. There was none of the normal jabbering among players. Just silence. “Like a funeral,” Shinn said. He recalled only two players who had never turned down requests to appear at charitable events. “Those guys were Bobby Phills and Muggsy Bogues,” he said. “I was always told: Don’t fall in love with the horses — talking about the players.

The horses? Like really? That's so disturbing how these owners truly view these players behind closed doors.

Same thing I said when I read it :smh:

You guys heard his story of Blatt basically being Lebrons assistant coach during games? :rofl: :rofl:  

No way Blatt is the coach next year.

They better keep him man, don't want them coming anywhere near my guy PayPal Cal :smh:
I wouldn't mind seeing him get another shot somewhere else because I feel for him. He was put in a situation that's as awful as could be for a 1st time coach. He never stood a chance once 'Bron was coming back 
agreed,,, lj couldnt pull that ish with the heat but obviously dan gilbert doesnt mind letting lj control everything.... 
Word,no way in hell was Riley gonna put up with something like that 
. He had Spo's back through and through which is why he lasted even when everyone called for his head after the 9-8 start. Gilbert doesn't seem to give a damn 
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Same thing I said when I read it :smh:
They better keep him man, don't want them coming anywhere near my guy PayPal Cal :smh:

Cal gone if they go undefeated, what else would he have to accomplish as a college coach really?

Son makes the Final Four every year he is in the tourney and would have 2 championships in the last 4 years.
agreed,,, lj couldnt pull that ish with the heat but obviously dan gilbert doesnt mind letting lj control everything.... blatt has to put up with this prima donna... so disrespectful... not  good leadership by lj 

Gilbert really doesn't have a choice.
Same thing I said when I read it

They better keep him man, don't want them coming anywhere near my guy PayPal Cal

Cal gone if they go undefeated, what else would he have to accomplish as a college coach really?

Son makes the Final Four every year he is in the tourney and would have 2 championships in the last 4 years.
Cal to Cleveland would be interesting to say the least...*popcorn ready*
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he got cooked on a basic behind the back move. dude wasn't out there being houdini irving with the rock. it was just a quick move that had cp3 playing twister. weak sauce. deal with it. you comparing it to a.i. and mj...:lol: com'n son

C'mon son @ you saying that was a basic move. :rofl: There's only like two or three players in the league who could have pulled that off. Plus, CP stepped on his foot, which is why he fell so bad. Now you're looking even more dumb.

You don't like Chris Paul or the Clippers, we get it. But saying he's "weak" for what happened on that play is just silly.
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