The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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what if, Pop let the Pels win because he thinks they can take out his biggest competition, the Warriors 
:lol: I was a lonely fella during those battles. Top 10, MAYBE, was used a lot.

Top 3 tho, and even still I mighta shorted him.
Wow really??? I swear folks were going all awwsome on AD coming in to the year

If KD didn't go down for the year AD would be at home though

AD a monster future MVP regardless

Erupt was all about the AD sarcasm. Idk if it was directed at me or CP or Kev or all of us. But regardless, that guy has lived up to the hype.
It's crazy when you think about all those loses OKC took early on..every single one mattered man.

Tyreke is lowkey the MVP of the Pelicans down the stretch. That boy orchestrated that offense great
If a lot of things.. But mainly Westbrook going down 9 mins into game 2.. Or ibaka missing however many games he missed

We literally needed just 1 more win

Or if AD didn't hit that dbl-clutch buzzer beater 3 to beat the Thunder and give them the tiebreaker. That's why they're in. Crazy.

Congrats to Russ on an amazing season and his first scoring title.
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