Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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You think Kardashians are around more drugs than other celebs and athletes? Odom was a grown man who could make his own choices. Nobody else was overdosing or having problems. The Kardashians weren't the only people around drugs in Odom's life, I would bet the gentleman's NT wager of $150 on that

This had more to do with Odom's demons than anything. Blaming or saying the Kardashians were bad for him seems like a cop out
agreed.... he is a grown man. cut it with the bad influences ish. thats on him that hes a junkie , not anyone else. 
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Not at all. Just average NBA players. Lin had a few great games as a Knick and has been a average at best player since. He doesn't deserve discussion.

This is what I've been saying. League average starter, maybe a tick better in the right situation.

but people talk like he should be nailed to the bench or out of the league. :lol:
You think Kardashians are around more drugs than other celebs and athletes? Odom was a grown man who could make his own choices. Nobody else was overdosing or having problems. The Kardashians weren't the only people around drugs in Odom's life, I would bet the gentleman's NT wager of $150 on that

This had more to do with Odom's demons than anything. Blaming or saying the Kardashians were bad for him seems like a cop out

I'm not disputing that the responsibility ultimately falls on Odom himself. It does. I'm just saying being involved with the Kardashian family didn't help, whether they were well intentioned toward him or not.
I'm not disputing that the responsibility ultimately falls on Odom himself. It does. I'm just saying being involved with the Kardashian family didn't help, whether they were well intentioned toward him or not.
Agreed but let's be real, he's around drugs and celebs and all of that, not just with the Kardashian circle. He isn't just going to be wrapped in a bubble at home... that's not the type of lifestyle he was living
Agreed but let's be real, he's around drugs and celebs and all of that, not just with the Kardashian circle. He isn't just going to be wrapped in a bubble at home... that's not the type of lifestyle he was living

No, but the Kardashians take "celebrity" to a different level. They only reason they're famous is because they're famous. They have to keep perpetuating it - so they're always looking to be in the public eye. They put all they're business out for public consumption. Not all celebs do that. Some actually try to keep some things private. They don't. But Odom knew that and chose to go down that path, so its on him.
No, but the Kardashians take "celebrity" to a different level. They only reason they're famous is because they're famous. They have to keep perpetuating it - so they're always looking to be in the public eye. They put all they're business out for public consumption. Not all celebs do that. Some actually try to keep some things private. They don't. But Odom knew that and chose to go down that path, so its on him.
So because they're in the spotlight more, that further added to Odom's drug problem?
When you think about the fact Lamar made it this far with all the bs on his plate is impressive. He just finally reached his limit a few years back.
When you think about the fact Lamar made it this far with all the bs on his plate is impressive. He just finally reached his limit a few years back.
Those inner demons must have been crazy. Can't even judge him or imagine

Just sad all around as it's coming out that he was really a nice good person
So because they're in the spotlight more, that further added to Odom's drug problem?

Possibly. Hard to really know. The timeline suggests his situation contributed to the problems. He managed to be a functional NBA player and human being, with no clear signs of heavy drug abuse, for a lot of years. And his downward spiral only started after he married Khloe. But maybe it was inevitable, regardless of the family he married into, with all the stuff that happened to him in 2011. Again, I still say he's ultimately responsible for what happened to him.
Possibly. Hard to really know. The timeline suggests his situation contributed to the problems. He managed to be a functional NBA player and human being, with no clear signs of heavy drug abuse, for a lot of years. And his downward spiral only started after he married Khloe. But maybe it was inevitable, regardless of the family he married into, with all the stuff that happened to him in 2011. Again, I still say he's ultimately responsible for what happened to him.
Only thing more I'll say on it is that his spiral coincided with the death of his close cousin followed by being traded to Houston (these two happened back to back). Odom felt disrespected and wanted a trade after Stern vetoed the original. To me that is the catalyst, not Kardashian 
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Me too. Go Clips!
Glad to know there's another true Clippers fan in this thread. Can't wait for CP3MVP this year
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