Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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The only leverage Tristan has is if there's an injury to one of Cleveland's big men and the Cavs can't sign anyone else of note. 
Cleveland would be wise to just give Tristan Thompson his cheese. I love Anderson Varejao but, he's 33, and injury prone. He's had, at minimum, 2 season ending injuries, to begin the year. Far to frequently. An excellent rebounder, big body, but he is often injuried.
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Cleveland would be wise to just give Tristan Thompson his cheese. I love Anderson Varejao but, he's 33, and injury prone. He's had, at minimum, 2 season ending injuries, to begin the year. Far to frequently. An excellent rebounder, big body, but he is often injuried.

He's not worth that cheese though. It makes absolutely no sense to max out someone that backs up another guy you just have 100 m's to.

The only way it makes sense if Cleveland lets Mozgov walk next summer and play Thompson and love together. But that wouldn't make any sense either
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The Cavs also have the Trade Exception from the Haywood-Miller trade to play with. They could use that to get a serviceable backup PF (J.J. Hickson reunion?).
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What team would basically give a player away to make a contender stronger though?

Valid point, except that it happens pretty regularly. If a team isn't going anywhere anyway -- probably for a few years -- they don't really care about making a contending team stronger. They have to do what's best for them in the long term and if that means dumping someone's salary or clearing the way so a younger player can get more time, they'll do it.
so TT's a free agent...?

since almost every team used their cap space, wouldn't his only options be Cleveland & like Philly? :lol:
TT was really in the process of making a come-up and then messed himself up.

Originally wasn't he expected to get something around $40 Million? Ended up being offered $52 Million. Declined and managed to get offered 5 years, $80 Million. Turned that down and said he wanted $94 Million?
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I'll say it again, caving to TT only affects one guy and his wallet. If this lasts past Christmas without a deal I think it is asinine. Tristan should find a middle ground, but I sure as hell side with him wanting to get paid than the Cavs not wanting to dip further into the luxury tax. I'll give Gilbert the benefit of the doubt for now that he hasn't interjected and is letting his GM do his work, but..

He said this a year ago:

"..when the decisions are ours and they're regarding financial, that should not stop us or be any significant barrier to delivering championship‑caliber basketball here."

Put your money where your mouth is.

They could use that to get a serviceable backup PF (J.J. Hickson reunion?).

I don't see any replacement who can be had that is as good as Tristan. And when you have two, maybe three years left of LeBron chasing a title...any step down is magnified significantly.
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:lol: Pay him

So the Cavaliers are hamstrung for money in Lebron's declining years in his career....I see you.
The Cavs are hamstrung with or without TTs deal.

They are already DEEEEEP in the tax without Tristan. The only thing Tristan would accomplish by taking less is creating a cheaper lux tax bill for the billionaire owner.
Is this guy TT for real? He has done absolutely nothing to deserve the $90+ mil, in fact, $80 mil was already overpaying. I mean when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, what's the difference between $90+ mil and $80 mil?? You'll have the same lifestyle, be able to afford the same stuff, you can literally buy anything you want for a long long time.

This dude is just greedy for money he doesn't deserve and might just cost him a championship run. At this point, whether or not he takes the max or min, how will this will affect the locker room chemistry? Not good at all. It's a good thing Cleveland has veterans on board and Kyrie is mature for his age.

TT is replaceable, I say don't succumb to his demands and replace him.
What is Dan Gilbert doing

Let TT get his deal
He's already gonna pay max money to James, Irving, Love and has to keep MosGAWD. Plus he signed Shump to that deal

Good luck giving 4 max contracts and keeping support players too
Thompson out here thinking he's the second coming of The Worm. So he had a good year. Build on it this season to prove it's not a fluke and THEN go for that payday. He's a role player. Stay in that lane if you want to be a part of a winning franchise.
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