THE AMERICANS on FX -- Season 2 Finale: "Echo" ... Tonight at 10/9c

Caught up with the finale... what did the daughter find (if anything) in the basement? My DVR cut it short.
Caught up with the finale... what did the daughter find (if anything) in the basement? My DVR cut it short.

The episode ended right there with her standing next to the folded laundry, so not showing us if she did find anything.
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I just finished the season finale. I love this show.

damn, Nina flipped HARD didnt she?? I think shes gonna try to put a move on Stan and get murked in the process...

I think Stan is kinda slowing coming apart at the seams. His marriage is falling apart, he's alienated his son, his best friend Amador get's killed, he kills an innocent person, & he's having an affair with a Russian informant who not only suspects him of killing her friend, but is now going to feed him misinformation. I'm glad to see Stan falling apart.

Funny, I'm actually rooting for Elizabeth & Phil... :lol:

All of this . This show got me rooting for the KGB like they're my favorite sports team. :lol:

I agree with you on Stan too. He's desperate at this point and his affair with Nina is the only thing that hasn't fallen apart yet. She's clearly controlling him now.

Can't wait for the 26th
The first season is available on Amazon Prime Instant Video if you wanna catch up or re-watch.
Are the two of them dating? I read an article a while back saying Keri got a divorce and was seen with the dude but I don't think it was confirmed

The s2 premiere is night before my midterm so I can't watch til the next day smh
Cant wait to see sexy Nina again. Hopefully they don't kill her off early in the season
Anyone have a quick recap video of Season 1? I just want a brief refresher so I dont miss anything in tonights episode.
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:nerd: That's....basically what the vid I posted right before you is. :lol:

If you really want more than that, they put up 3 min recaps for each ep last season here.
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Can't wait.

Wonder what quotables we're gonna get from Martha this season?

BTW ONeg, glad to see back from hanging in the rafters with Sting.
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