THE AMERICANS on FX -- Season 2 Finale: "Echo" ... Tonight at 10/9c

Cant wait.

My man's accent in the sneak peak thooooo 
I forgot that I missed all of these characters. This had a little bit of everything. Nina can still have it all. Keri never fell off. And this episode should've been called "What Paige Saw."

But seriously, every show's worst characters are the kids, because kid actors are the worst...except this one. Those kids were perfectly cast.

I'm guessing most people are catching the 11pm EST show? Looks like you guys aren't watching yet.

Honestly, I think it's a mix of a lot less people are watching this show than should be. And since it's not really one of those "miss it and you'll get spoiled ASAP" shows, people don't especially catch it live.
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I thought the first episode of season #2 was solid. If Elizabeth & Phil didn't have enough to worry about, they gotta worry about their daughter constantly snooping around.
For some shows I just don't like watching and posting at the same time. Some shows are just too good and I gotta pay it justice by giving it my full attention. I watched at 10.

Show went right back in to the swing of things. I quickly remembered anything I forgot. That new spy family :smh: :x The reliable sex scene like every other ep :evil: :pimp: The daughter :stoneface: 69 :rofl: Mind yo business! :lol: Nina is a whole other type of jump, I respect how she addressed the issue. Still feel sorry for the wife and Stan is becoming a full blown simp :lol:

Word ONeg, for the past 2 years I've noticed two things with fans and writers, it's like writers got an annoying kids Epiphany. Seemed like the majority of all the shows I was watching had these unbearable kids getting unnecessary screen time. Few exceptions like Walt "Kingpin Flynn a.k.a. Breakfast Time" JR and Sally Draper. The other is how much fans hated the wives more times than not or the female lead/co-star. I fell prey to it too but I can see the clear differences in disliking Skyler, Rick's wife, Betty Draper, Schroeder (not as much), etc. as opposed to loving Keri as Elizabeth in this and Claire Underwood. My women gotta be down for the cause :smokin
The kids/family will be the central theme this season so if they annoy you now, you'll be really annoyed as the season progresses.
Once again it seems to only be the daughter for me. I don't mind the son at all, didn't mind him, last season.

These writers all seem to be going for this dynamic where the younger brother is a bit oblivious to what's going on just living life being a kid while the older sister plays this annoying curious snoop that won't leave well enough and usually gets her loved ones hurt, in trouble or killed depending on the show.
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Good season premiere. Just caught the west coast showing. This season looks very interesting.

- Based off of the season 2 preview after the episode, Paige's curiosity will get her in big trouble.
- There's a threat to them now. Their friends, who seemed to be very meticulous as them, became targets.
- Phillip had a relief look on his face breathing heavily after he got in his car after killing those people. Seems like being KGB officers are affecting them much more now.
BTW ONeg, glad to see back from hanging in the rafters with Sting.

I was wondering where dude went, too.  Felt like S1 ended and buddy vanished.  

Great season premiere.  I like how they wasted no time setting the tone, although I felt kinda bad for the kid in the kitchen.  Casualties of war, I suppose.  

This season looks very promising.  I really hope this show gains more popularity because I'd like to see it stick around for awhile.  Great writing, pacing, actors and the story has so many possible angles.  Best show on TV right now.  
Enjoyed the first of S2.. did not expect Phil to off the worker in the Afghan joint like that.

Sorta felt bad for the kid whos fam just got mopped..

Nina doe.
Phil and his disguises :rofl: Out here looking like old beaten down Rust Cohle. I would've died if he was in a red pickup.

Nina documenting her double agent sex deeds :evil: :lol:

I'm betting this new operative dude is either a double agent himself or is gonna get washed early for poking his head in the wrong person's business.
Are people just not watching this show or what? This thread is so dead.

Another good episode though. The overall mood of this entire series so reminds me of The Sopranos for some reason. And that's a great thing.
Another good episode last night. I actually kinda jumped when Phil got shocked. 'Ol dude caught Phil sleepin'. :lol:

Season is starting off very well. Very nicely paced show, well written, solid acting.

superblytrife superblytrife I can see why you think the mood reminds you of the Sopranos. The soul of this show is kinda depressing/sad undertone. Feels like everything is kinda subdued & could jump off at any second...
Definitely enjoyed last nights episode.. i'm curious to know what the ratings have been for the premiere and S2, I hope people are watching.. don't want them to cancel this.
Definitely enjoyed last nights episode.. i'm curious to know what the ratings have been for the premiere and S2, I hope people are watching.. don't want them to cancel this.

Per, the show's "second season debut episode vaulted 81% in adults 18-49 (1.57 million, up from 863,000) and 72% in overall audience (3.26 million, from 1.9 million). For comparison sake, last year the series’ unveiling climbed 48% in demo and 44% in total viewers when Live+3 was factored in."

Season 2's debut is getting solid if not great critical reviews also.
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