THE AMERICANS on FX -- Season 2 Finale: "Echo" ... Tonight at 10/9c

damn, Nina flipped HARD didnt she?? I think shes gonna try to put a move on Stan and get murked in the process...
About to go through the AV club review in a minute....just caught up on Grantland. This stuck out to me:

I suppose the episode's best scene — the charged game of Joust between Elizabeth and Claudia at the local arcade — was also an apt metaphor for where The Americans stands as we head toward zero hour: Games on top of games on top of games. Everyone is playing everyone else as quickly and recklessly as they can. But the thing about those old arcade machines is that it didn't really matter how good you were or how many quarters you had in your pocket to burn: There weren't happy endings or really any kind of endings at all. The thing about games back in 1981 is that, no matter what, everyone eventually lost.

Rest of Article in Link


AMAZING show. Can't wait for the finale.

*off subject, anyone else loving the teasers of "The Bridge?"

In case you're wondering what it's about, here's a short blurb from IMDB:

Here, The Bridge takes place at the border between El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico, where there’s already plenty of illegal activity. After a body is found near a bridge at the border, Detective Ruiz (Demian Bichir) and his American colleague, Detective Sonya Cross (Diane Kruger) set out to solve this grizzly case and hunt down a serial killer, »


Should be another good one from FX.


Too good.
damn, Nina flipped HARD didnt she?? I think shes gonna try to put a move on Stan and get murked in the process...

I think Stan is kinda slowing coming apart at the seams. His marriage is falling apart, he's alienated his son, his best friend Amador get's killed, he kills an innocent person, & he's having an affair with a Russian informant who not only suspects him of killing her friend, but is now going to feed him misinformation. I'm glad to see Stan falling apart.

Funny, I'm actually rooting for Elizabeth & Phil... :lol:
Sidenote: Now I have no fav show to watch till Breaking Bad comes back on

feels badman
Might have to check out Hannibal. I canceled my HBO subscription so no Game of Thrones. How many episodes have aired so far?
Man great finale. I was trippin hard whether he was going to get there in time or not.
Nice finale :smokin

Mother seemingly on her way out but really proving what she said was true by risking herself by telling Phil there was a set up. For a hot sec I was scared Elizabeth was gonna die but then I was like nah they won't do it. Those shots from Stan were straight through the middle so I don't even know how she got hit :lol:

That Martha scene again :rofl: Seems they'll just be having it be a thing a few times a season where she does that. Always got ppl thinking I'm watching porn :smh: Can't wait for down the line for when those sketches start looking more like "Clark" and she is put in a bind.

Not interested in the daughter finding them out. Once again too reminiscent of Homeland (in the worst way)
*off subject, anyone else loving the teasers of "The Bridge?"

In case you're wondering what it's about, here's a short blurb from IMDB:

Here, The Bridge takes place at the border between El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico, where there’s already plenty of illegal activity. After a body is found near a bridge at the border, Detective Ruiz (Demian Bichir) and his American colleague, Detective Sonya Cross (Diane Kruger) set out to solve this grizzly case and hunt down a serial killer, »


Should be another good one from FX.
I was never going to look it up but every time I see the teasers on tv I'm like what the **** is this about already!!? (in a good way) The July 10th premiere has been seared in my mind.
Not reading this thread since I need to catch up on the past few episode but damn the finale got here so damn fast..

It already got picked up for a second season right?
FInally got caught up on the last 3 episodes, had a lil mini Americans marathon :lol: :smokin LOVED the finale, so great....gonna be a long 9 months though to wait for this to come back :smh: F/X found another hit for sure, and The Bridge seems promising too
The show The Americans reminds me of more and more here in this first season is Mad Men. Like that series, the show is a period piece with a slightly detached storytelling style. Like that series, The Americans can feel a little distant if you’re not tapped into its deep reservoirs of subtext. And like Mad Men, The Americans offers up an intense well of emotion, forever building and building, until it can be almost unbearable to watch. Yet that well of emotion is kept behind the thinnest of membranes, never to bubble onto the surface until this episode, a season finale that finally reveals just how deeply these characters feel, just how perilous their course could become if they gave in to those emotions. But where Don Draper expresses his true emotions in a lengthy monologue about nostalgia, Philip and Elizabeth reveal their hands with just three words.

The first comes from Philip, racing to save his wife. “Elizabeth,” he says, and it could feel cheap, if it weren’t built so perfectly. (Arkady’s plan to let the Jenningses know they’re up **** creek by painting an abort symbol on the side of a car and trying to catch the two of them is ingenious.) It’s a neat return to that moment in the pilot when Philip revealed his true allegiance after a full episode of toying with defection to the Americans by killing the informant who’d assaulted his wife. Philip’s allegiance, even when the two weren’t together, is to his wife, and he’ll risk everything to save her. Matthew Rhys’ voice cracks just enough in this episode when he says that word to let you know that Philip is picturing a world without Elizabeth, and it’s one that looks bleak.

The other two come from Elizabeth, and they devastated me like few have in recent TV memory. “Come home,” she says to Philip when she awakens from unconsciousness to talk to him at her warehouse bed. It’s what she’s wanted to say for episodes, but it’s what she hasn’t been able to say, because these people keep everything behind a veneer of professionalism and duty. What’s more, she says it in Russian, a choice that works so beautifully. Here’s Elizabeth, returning to her mother tongue, to ask her husband to be her husband again. It’s the strongest possible way she can think of to make this commitment, and it’s perhaps my favorite moment of the whole season.

From Todd VanDerWerff at the AV Club

Great finale, very good first season, and I cannot wait for it to return.

Nina playing Stan and getting better and better at it.

Elizabeth asking Phillip to come home, especially in Russian was a great choice. Phillip risking himself and putting the kids in huge danger by going to get Elizabeth himself but he did it anyway :pimp:

Granny letting the guy die SLOW while she showed him a picture of why he's dying... cold blooded.

Stan's home life being rocky and missing a chance at work, he'll only come back stronger in his hunt now that he got a look at the "couple"

And Paige getting suspicious of finding out the truth. Much like Mad Men and Breaking Bad, this show has a great ace up it's sleeve in the family learning the truth about the lead characters... so that's always going to be an option.
Caught the finale earlier today.

Did not disappoint.

1. GoT
2. This

**** everything else. I love this showZ
Truer words have never been spoken.

This show is the antithesis of that cluster-**** of nonsense otherwise known as The Following.

Can't wait for season 2.
Very good finale, although not as climactic as I thought it'd be.

Great first season, and a show like should only get better as the seasons go on.
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