THE AMERICANS on FX -- Season 2 Finale: "Echo" ... Tonight at 10/9c

^it served a purpose for the finale. just stick with it. lower your expectations and enjoy. Its like one long popcorn movie.
Martha is moving pretty fast and loose after few things pushed her. Also she's a bit wild hinting at children when it seems they haven't even been "married" for a year and given Phil is barely around in the first place it's even less that.

Oh yeah I'm expecting Oleg to try and kill or arrange a hit on Stan next season. Son was looking straight up distraught when she had to leave.
I like some of the not knowing and the twist and turns of this espionage type plot with all the lies, half-truths and what not but I just feel they could've had a better pay off for the finale to get us hype for S2. It's clear that things will get more serious with Berlin and Red but other than that it's up in the air.

Wish there was a Blacklist thread.

Is the Blacklist really that good? I watched a bunch of episodes when it first started and it seemed like a generic "catch a new bad guy per week" type of show, which I really dislike
I tend not to like those type of shows much either but it's a bit more than that. There's an overall plot that gets builded on halfway through the season that kinda comes to a head in the season finale. It's pretty good. Not amazingly great but really good imo. Plus I did enjoy the different types of criminals and how they operated. Some of them were really sick and twisted like stuff out of a Hannibal ep
I watched the first 5 minutes of the premiere of the Blacklist and gave up. I have been marathoning Hannibal though. Going to start the second season today. nbc must be grateful of those 2 shows. They've failed so much with new hour long drama shows.
Master Zik Master Zik , I noticed Stan's dream prominently showed Martha taking files too. I feel like next season things are really going to come to a head for her both at work & between her & Phil. It seems like she's coming to a point where Phil will have to merc her...


Remember when she told Clark that she knew about his toupee? That might be foreshadowing something. It may have seemed like a small tidbit of the show, but I think it will turn out to be something bigger. Something along the lines of her recognizing him outside of the Clark disguise.
I'm still waiting for someone to recognize Phil in a disguise :lol: Just to see his reaction. Paige or Martha or even Stan :lol: It'll be hilarious.
I'm a big fan of The Americans, but The Blacklist keeps my attention the whole time, while as The Americans I'll be browsing Niketalk/Reddit and watching 
I'm a big fan of The Americans, but The Blacklist keeps my attention the whole time, while as The Americans I'll be browsing Niketalk/Reddit and watching :rolleyes
You're probably missing a good deal of what's going on in the show then.

I'd actually say you don't need to pay that much attention to The Blacklist ep to ep cuz you can tell what will happen by the end; Red kills the bad guy or Keen arrests him and throughout Red will be his charming mysterious self while Keen asks questions she won't get clear answers too, a few shootouts, a chase of some sort, more victims by the bad guy, etc.
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You're probably missing a good deal of what's going on in the show then.

I'd actually say you don't need to pay that ugh attention to The Blacklist ep to ep cuz you can tell what will happen by the end; Red kills the bad guy or Keen arrests him and throughout Red will be his charming mysterious self while Keen asks questions she won't get clear answers too, a few shootouts, a chase of some sort, more victims by the bad guy, etc.
Yea you're probably right, I don't know why it doesn't keep my full attention it's a great show. I really hope The Blacklist changes their format so it's not a rinse & repeat type of thing.
For yall who can't wait I'd suggest checking out a BBC America series called The Game. It's only 6 eps and is a really good watch. It's basically about MI5 dealing with the Russians during the Cold War in the 70s. MI5 basically has to deal with a bunch of moles while they try to figure out what the Soviet Operation: Glass is.
Damn, dont eem remember how season 2 ended. Just remember that the Russians want Paige.

Need a recap before season 3 starts lol
You know it was revealed that their spy partners that also had their own undercover American family were killed by their son who was being groomed by Phil's and Elizabeth's new handler.

Then the other part with ol dude wanting revenge and how close he got to killing them.
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