The Amero... Is This True. Will It Really Replace the Dollar???

Apr 4, 2008
One of my friends is weird and gets all into that conspiracy stuff and usually I just shake him off because he
a lot, but last night we had a solid conversation where he ran down all theconspiracies of the last 100 years from WW1 to the Drug Pandemic in the 80s, including JFK, so what's the deal, is the Amero really going to replace thedollar?

I'm getting spooked that the Company is real. I mean look at the irony, according to my friend Rupert Murdock is part of the company, hence why shows like24 and Prison Break have that company twist to them.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

NT general forum is so interesting these days. anyone else agree?
hey, give this dude a break, it's his birthday!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see how it would be beneficial given the volume of world wide transactions done by the Dollar, not to mention the underlying of the Amero would bewhat...Mexico and Canada's economies? I don't think they're booming right now either...
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

NT general forum is so interesting these days. anyone else agree?
could go either have alot more "serious" discussions...but most of those end up in a couple of people who did some researchand then a bunch of others just talking nonsense - with the elections you got a million repub/demo threads...then with the economic crisis everybody is anexpert and/or following conspiracy theories ....

the golden days of pyps where you could go in (pause) , funny stories, new jewels being debuted, stuntin , frontin, e-beef, attention starved females etc werekinda more entertaining
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't see how it would be beneficial given the volume of world wide transactions done by the Dollar, not to mention the underlying of the Amero would be what...Mexico and Canada's economies? I don't think they're booming right now either...
the dollar will be collapsing shortly, don't worry, that volume you referenced will be shrinking very soon....
So then a currency based on Canada, Mexico and the United States would all of a sudden good?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't see how it would be beneficial given the volume of world wide transactions done by the Dollar, not to mention the underlying of the Amero would be what...Mexico and Canada's economies? I don't think they're booming right now either...
the dollar will be collapsing shortly, don't worry, that volume you referenced will be shrinking very soon....
This dude comes in every thread saying the exact same thing, cracks me up. Its always "the dollar is collapsing," "I cant wait forthe dollar to collapse"

You know that wont benefit anyone right?
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't see how it would be beneficial given the volume of world wide transactions done by the Dollar, not to mention the underlying of the Amero would be what...Mexico and Canada's economies? I don't think they're booming right now either...
the dollar will be collapsing shortly, don't worry, that volume you referenced will be shrinking very soon....
So then a currency based on Canada, Mexico and the United States would all of a sudden good?
seriously... i don't think many people understandthe concept of money, they just string together things they've heard people on TV say about it and hope it sounds confusing enough that someone won'tquestion them.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't see how it would be beneficial given the volume of world wide transactions done by the Dollar, not to mention the underlying of the Amero would be what...Mexico and Canada's economies? I don't think they're booming right now either...
the dollar will be collapsing shortly, don't worry, that volume you referenced will be shrinking very soon....
So then a currency based on Canada, Mexico and the United States would all of a sudden good?

No but it will probably be worth more then the dollar is eventually going to be worth. Other countries are going to attempt to unhook their dependency on theUS dollar as soon as their economies get stable. That is the only thing that makes the dollar worth anything right now is because everything is traded in it.Once that sentiment changes and the massive inflation begins what the hell is left behind the dollar?
Im not sure how I feel about this. Is it real? I mean there are a few people who mention it but its mostly random websites. I believe Ron Paul was speakingabout it as well.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't see how it would be beneficial given the volume of world wide transactions done by the Dollar, not to mention the underlying of the Amero would be what...Mexico and Canada's economies? I don't think they're booming right now either...
the dollar will be collapsing shortly, don't worry, that volume you referenced will be shrinking very soon....
So then a currency based on Canada, Mexico and the United States would all of a sudden good?

No but it will probably be worth more then the dollar is eventually going to be worth. Other countries are going to attempt to unhook their dependency on the US dollar as soon as their economies get stable. That is the only thing that makes the dollar worth anything right now is because everything is traded in it. Once that sentiment changes and the massive inflation begins what the hell is left behind the dollar?
Right, I understand what you're saying, but each and every currency has an underlying....that's my if you take our currency,and throw it as a mix into a North American currency but still include the dollar, I fail to see the worth being thatmuch higher. The dollar has been battered, but so has the British Pound, so much that it became the laughing boy.

Inflation should be combated immediately. I was concerned with inflation last year with the additional rate cuts as it seemed inevitable that we'd havesome form of mess related to sub-prime/credit, etc. You're giving an example of if all the pieces falling into place what the dire situation would be,however, I think we can both agree that we're in a time of unpredictable and relatively unprecedented territory.
The dollar is weaker than it should be, nobody is denying that. But much of that is just due to our crazy amounts of debt (for things like unecessary wars) andseiniorage over the years. SO when a recession starts here, things will get slightly bleak for the dollar..

But again - wake up people, this isn't the first recession we've experienced. The markets were overinflated to begin with, we're going to gothrough a little bit of hard times in the economy for a few years until everything adjusts.. That doesn't mean the dollar is collapsing.... In fact,it's probably for the best, b/c now it forces policy makers to pull in the reigns a little bit and hopefully everything adjusts back to more realisticlevels. Then growth will begin again.
lurkin2long wrote:
NT general forum is so interesting these days. anyone else agree?

I agree, you have to take into account that there are a lot of youngsters here that don't know what's really going on. There seems to be alot of fear in a lot of threads that I am reading. We are going to be okay people.
@ some of the members capitalizing off of people who aren't informed.You guys seriously need to chill, the sky is not falling.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I don't see how it would be beneficial given the volume of world wide transactions done by the Dollar, not to mention the underlying of the Amero would be what...Mexico and Canada's economies? I don't think they're booming right now either...
the dollar will be collapsing shortly, don't worry, that volume you referenced will be shrinking very soon....
So then a currency based on Canada, Mexico and the United States would all of a sudden good?

No but it will probably be worth more then the dollar is eventually going to be worth. Other countries are going to attempt to unhook their dependency on the US dollar as soon as their economies get stable. That is the only thing that makes the dollar worth anything right now is because everything is traded in it. Once that sentiment changes and the massive inflation begins what the hell is left behind the dollar?
Right, I understand what you're saying, but each and every currency has an underlying....that's my if you take our currency, and throw it as a mix into a North American currency but still include the dollar, I fail to see the worth being that much higher. The dollar has been battered, but so has the British Pound, so much that it became the laughing boy.

Inflation should be combated immediately. I was concerned with inflation last year with the additional rate cuts as it seemed inevitable that we'd have some form of mess related to sub-prime/credit, etc. You're giving an example of if all the pieces falling into place what the dire situation would be, however, I think we can both agree that we're in a time of unpredictable and relatively unprecedented territory.

No doubt the territory is unprecedented. But T-Bills are bubbling IMO. Other countries are unwinding their leverage so they have to buy dollars to do that.People are hording T-Bills because their country is just as terrible and they feel the dollar is safer (god knows why that is) But you and I both konw the Fedis going to inflate just as sure as the sun is going to come up tomorrow. I just believe there will come a time when other countries despise their dependenceon the American dollar for transactions and this will be pushed to the fore front by America's never ending borrowing because there HAS to be a point whereother countries question America's AAA credit rating.

But you are correct no one really has anything to compare to really. I mean we have examples of similar situations but this is completely unprecended in itsscope.
The dollar is weaker than it should be, nobody is denying that. But much of that is just due to our crazy amounts of debt (for things like unecessary wars) and seiniorage over the years. SO when a recession starts here, things will get slightly bleak for the dollar..

But again - wake up people, this isn't the first recession we've experienced. The markets were overinflated to begin with, we're going to go through a little bit of hard times in the economy for a few years until everything adjusts.. That doesn't mean the dollar is collapsing.... In fact, it's probably for the best, b/c now it forces policy makers to pull in the reigns a little bit and hopefully everything adjusts back to more realistic levels. Then growth will begin again.

You guys seriously need to chill, the sky is not falling.

You're right, this is worse:


This is turning into more than a recession, people

FACT: We will have the Amero within 15 years.
general is becoming more like s & t .. NTers acting like experts when they dont really understand what's going on..

im not claiming i know everything .. but im not making strong claims like the economy is gonna crash and people need to start stockpiling weapons either..

is it possible? yes. is it likely ? no.
Originally Posted by Money

is it possible? yes. is it likely ? no.
Well, Mr. Expert, tell me why it is so unlikely. Credit is like air for 99% business- without it: death.
It is just hard for people to face the fact that there could possibly be something catastrophic. No one knows what is going to happen but to justput your head in the sand and say well everything has always been fine why would that change now is just how people are wired. I dont believe in the end of theworld or anything of that nature but dont sit there and pretend there is no chance of anything happening you dont expect or arent prepared for.
Originally Posted by Money

is it possible? yes. is it likely ? no.
Well, Mr. Expert, tell me why it is so unlikely. Credit is like air for 99% business- without it: death.

i said i wasnt an expert

you're the one that said " FACT: We will have the Amero within 15 years. "

and supported it with a graph but gave no clear explanation as to its implications..

but to answer your question on why it isnt likely:

" - the US economy and population is so much larger than canada's and mexico's, that any replacement currency would be the US dollar renamed. itwould inherit the same bankrupting debt, the same mortgage/loan crisis, the same war and the same oil prices. it wouldn't fix anything.

- the EU has several major powers, and plenty of smaller ones that could team up. no one country can dominate the rest. north america on the other hand wouldbe totally dominated by the US population and economy. so for canada/mexico to join, it would REQUIRE equal say in things like legal and monetary policy."

- while the US has spent the last 8 years running up record debt, canada has been paying down it's debt. the institutionalized fraud that created thehousing crisis and banking crisis didn't happen in canada. canada's unemployment rate recently reached a 33-year low. It's housing market is's not going tie itself to a sinking ship."

now if you have reasons as to why it IS possible.. then im opening to hearing it..

just dont post something as FACT when you dont have anything to back it up.
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