The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Arizona is walking a VERY slippery slope here, I think all minorities should be following this.
Could have been executed a lot better than she did it. This is going to cause a lot of problems.

At first I thought it was a good idea but when I started reading it, this bill is highly flawed. She's looking to get reelected.
i mean... if ur here illegally... thats illegal.

cant break laws just cause it will work out better for your people.
People are probably gonna be stopped a million times.

Racist $+* cops are probably hella happy. 
So now it is legal to harass, detain and discriminate against any and all Hispanics in Arizona?  Pathetic excuse to justify racism. 
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

i mean... if ur here illegally... thats illegal.

cant break laws just cause it will work out better for your people.

Everyone agrees on this. The thing is that Arizona has one of the largest Hispanic populations in the United States and because most illegals are also of Latin background, they will be lumped in with American citizens. How do you distinguish illegals from citizens? Clothing? Look?
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

i mean... if ur here illegally... thats illegal.

cant break laws just cause it will work out better for your people.

Everyone acknowledges illegal immigration is a problem. This bill is about how to deter it, and that means "Big Brother" laws
Originally Posted by Lex Starks

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

i mean... if ur here illegally... thats illegal.

cant break laws just cause it will work out better for your people.

Everyone agrees on this. The thing is that Arizona has one of the largest Hispanic populations in the United States and because most illegals are also of Latin background, they will be lumped in with American citizens. How do you distinguish illegals from citizens? Clothing? Look?
Precisely.  This bill will force people to carry legal identification documents.  So say you are Mexican, born in Phoenix, but you forgot to bring your passport or birth certificate, the police can harass you just because you look like an illegal.  How ridiculous is this bill? 

Isn't this like during the Nazi days?  All Jews had to carry identification documents or risk detainment? 
Originally Posted by Lex Starks

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

i mean... if ur here illegally... thats illegal.

cant break laws just cause it will work out better for your people.

Everyone agrees on this. The thing is that Arizona has one of the largest Hispanic populations in the United States and because most illegals are also of Latin background, they will be lumped in with American citizens. How do you distinguish illegals from citizens? Clothing? Look?

Racial profiling at its finest.

It was just broadcast on t.v. as she signs the law. This is crazy :smh::smh. They really don't want us here do they? Real talk I want to see who's going to pick their crops and who's going to do all the landscaping. Let's be real none of those citizens are going to get a job picking vegetation for a couple of cents like those poor immigrants do. They are going to profile all the hispanic looking people before anybody else, they also said four more states will be following in AZ footsteps. Obama where is the reform at? I'm convinced each day that the Gov. doesn't care for us.
If you're an illegal alien you need to @%!*, but this is not the way to do things at all

It's basically left up to the discretion of police and similar authorities to judge who may and may or not be illegal and the only criteria people really have is based on looks and that, my friend, is called racial/ethnic profiling. I doubt any Irish or Eastern European illegals in that area will be receiving the same level of scrutiny.

What gets me is that the many (primarily) Mexican-Americans who have lived in the region for many, many generations (if not, their entire family tree's existence) are really no different "looking" from their counterparts who live just on the other side of the border in Mexico, yet will be subject to the same level of harassment from overzealous police as any other suspected illegal alien.

There's definite racism inherent in this policy. If you don't think so, take a look at this:
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