The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

its arizona, this kind of stuff is not shocking there. wild wild west. they have a HUGE illegal immigration problem though so im indifferent on this one.
We actually like to work
And to all those racist haters..........we are to much of a force, we wont back down y'all need us
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

Im all for this. What part of illegal do yall not understand.
People are aware of what illegal constitutes. They're also aware of something called racial profiling, which is what people like you don't seem to understand. That was already discussed in this thread.

Because someone's illegal should not grant authority to cops to basically harass anyone who they THINK is illegal, because more likely than not, it's a stereotypical vision that THEY have about an illegal alien (aka short, brown hispanic, etc).

It's NOT ok to stop random people on the street for no other reason than to ask for their papers in order to verify their status in this country. That's some gestapo like stuff.
Originally Posted by gil23

We actually like to work
And to all those racist haters..........we are to much of a force, we wont back down y'all need us

a toda madre o un desmadre
I think it's a good idea. Give it a chance and see what happens, if it works out well other states can pick it up.
It has to start somewhere. Arizona has a right to send them back into Mexico. What is the big deal with profiling. How else are you going to find them?
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

I think it's a good idea. Give it a chance and see what happens, if it works out well other states can pick it up.
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

It has to start somewhere. Arizona has a right to send them back into Mexico. What is the big deal with profiling. How else are you going to find them?
Let's "randomly" stop all Caucasian men between the age of 21-50 because after all, most serial killers and postal workers gone psycho tend to be from that demographic.

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Let's "randomly" stop all Caucasian men between the age of 21-50 because after all, most serial killers and postal workers gone psycho tend to be from that demographic.


Yea do that theyll show they ID and be on theyre way no big deal.
Mexico isn't the problem, muslim radicals are the problem. Instead of focusing our attention on illegal immigrants, we should assemble an elite militant task force and patrol the world eliminating Muslim radicals, including the whiners that are preventing me from watching episode 201 of South Park.
What I don't understand is how ANY OF YOU can claim that you have more right to be in this country that any other man, woman or child on this earth?  And, anyone that doesn't think this is 100% targeting Mexican's...go are kidding yourself and just being a $$#%+@#...

When did we sandblast the following off of the Statue of Liberty?  Does that not mean anything anymore?

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

BTW...the Statue of Liberty is in New York, and next to the Statue of Liberty is a place called Ellis Island, it opened in 1892 and was a Federal Immigration station...a place where millions of people passed through on their way to realizing their dreams of being Americans...

Well, there is no Ellis Island on the US/Mexico border...there is no place for Mexican's that want to be American's to pass through and get on their way to becoming American citizens...that is why they sneak across the border, the United States has completely turned it's back on anyone without the means and education to become a citizen the "legal" way...

Arizona, a nazi state of mind.

Just another reason not to visit that !+*% hole of a state. Might get pulled over for looking too hispanic. I wonder how long this will last? We had 187 in cali and it was shut down rather quick.
double post ftl.anyway, since it did that might as well address this.
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

Originally Posted by frijo sneaker

why the personal attack? it's obvious he was talking about the law passing and not you. at least be a man about it and say it in english so the mods can understand it.
White people up to they old tricks again. Arizona citizens actually let them do this
This just shows one thing, there are waaaaaaay to many white people in Az, and the minorities that are there are too meek
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Let's "randomly" stop all Caucasian men between the age of 21-50 because after all, most serial killers and postal workers gone psycho tend to be from that demographic.

The only fallacy in your argument is that there are far more illegal immigrants than there are Caucasian serial killers/postal workers.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Let's "randomly" stop all Caucasian men between the age of 21-50 because after all, most serial killers and postal workers gone psycho tend to be from that demographic.

The only fallacy in your argument is that there are far more illegal immigrants than there are Caucasian serial killers/postal workers.
its still the same $#!+.....
Are some of you REALLY arguing that racial profiling is a good way to get the job done?

That sets a dangerous, and scary precedent.
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