The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed


As if racial profiling doesn't happen enough...

The feds better stomp this quickly before s*** gets heavy.
All i got to say is to all my nicaraguan brothers and the rest off my fellow hispanics out west stay safe and be careful cuz they are going to profile the $hit outta ya. I really think she could've avoided all this and just veto the bill.

The state that didn't wanna honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day back in the late 80's/early 90's?

Say it ain't so?


$%#& Arizona!

And the news is handling it like the only ones this is gonna affect isLatinos. Like their isn't thousands of Korean, Chinese, WestIndian, Filipino, Canadian & Middle Eastern people illegally inthe Arizona too = Racist @%% TV networks

All i got to say is to all my nicaraguan brothers and the rest off my fellow hispanics out west stay safe and be careful cuz they are going to profile the $hit outta ya. I really think she could've avoided all this and just veto the bill.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911


The state that didn't wanna honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day back in the late 80's/early 90's?

Say it ain't so?


$%#& Arizona!

And the news is handling it like the only ones this is gonna affect isLatinos. Like their isn't thousands of Korean, Chinese, WestIndian, Filipino, Canadian & Middle Eastern people illegally inthe Arizona too = Racist @%% TV networks

wow I didnt know that about MLK. 

Yea but latinos are the only ones they ever talk about when they mention "illegal aliens." 
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911


The state that didn't wanna honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day back in the late 80's/early 90's?

Say it ain't so?


$%#& Arizona!

And the news is handling it like the only ones this is gonna affect isLatinos. Like their isn't thousands of Korean, Chinese, WestIndian, Filipino, Canadian & Middle Eastern people illegally inthe Arizona too = Racist @%% TV networks

I mean i'm not from Az or nowhere in the west coast, but think about it they're main target are going to be hispanics. They will take down a hispanic before they take any of those other ethnic groups.
Arizona be having some messed up laws and too many damn cameras and stuff on the side of the road trying to catch people speeding.
Originally Posted by backpacker23

It was just broadcast on t.v. as she signs the law. This is crazy :smh::smh. They really don't want us here do they? Real talk I want to see who's going to pick their crops and who's going to do all the landscaping. Let's be real none of those citizens are going to get a job picking vegetation for a couple of cents like those poor immigrants do. They are going to profile all the hispanic looking people before anybody else, they also said four more states will be following in AZ footsteps. Obama where is the reform at? I'm convinced each day that the Gov. doesn't care for us.
Ohh the Irony
^ I was thinking the same thing. I mean, granted there's a sizeable population of illegals working the farms and landscaping and all that, but it's not like that's all they're doing.

It's like anyone who isn't Mexican or whatever says that and it comes out as a racist/stereotypical statement, but because the guy who wrote that seems to be of a similar background it's ok. It's really not.
Sad day for America
Cant wait to see The Daily Show rip into this bill, though.
Just saw some footage on Telemundo I think it was of some people yelling at the governor's car or something.

"When's the last time you saw a Latino on the street begging for spare change?! Never. We only see you lazy white people. We love working!"

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

^ I was thinking the same thing. I mean, granted there's a sizeable population of illegals working the farms and landscaping and all that, but it's not like that's all they're doing.

It's like anyone who isn't Mexican or whatever says that and it comes out as a racist/stereotypical statement, but because the guy who wrote that seems to be of a similar background it's ok. It's really not.
 No, I don't think it's ok. It's the sad truth though, when you ask anybody about picking vegetation on a farm or landscape automatically people think about hispanics. Am I right? It's like when people talk about asians the first thought are nails technician or bootleg. I DON'T mean that in a racial way either.
 It's just the ignorance people have these days.
this has to be the dumbest shhhh i have seen....

now all these racist cop are gonna do is pull over any hispanic and say he "suspects" that he is an immigrant

this just pissed me off
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