The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DubA169

The people praising this bill are the same people screaming "Obama took my freedoms"

oh the irony.....

100% Truth.
And the same ones protesting "government interference" in people's everyday lives yet working on government banning of same-sex marriage.

The hypocrisy is truly unbearable
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Yet another mindless sheep for the Republican party.......SMH.

lol, son thinks his opinion is fact.

Just because someone thinks something doesn't make brain damaged. Take in both sides, don't get offended because someone doesn't agree with you.

The idea of debate is to get someone to side with your opinon. Why would anyone want to listen to you if you are insulting them?
Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

cool let's justify racial profiling. let's act like gov, state or fed, isn't skewed.

to be honest, i know i can be mistaken for hispanic. if i got harrassed due to this law, best believe i will do the most american thing one can do. SUE.


lotta beaver cleaver dudes trying to chime in talkin bout aint nothing wrong with it.

wait til the real backlash.

and ppl saying its good cuz 905 of drugs come from mexico.

fool...bc our country allows it.

tell me likewise cracker

   Wow, really unnecessary
Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by glasses

so stop repeating the "im going to get pulled over while driving to work and i'm a legal citizen, several times a week" excuse

That's not going to happen.

oh really? so explain to me what kinda "reasonable" suspicion for asking someone for immigration papers?
I'd like to recommend you to read the rest of my post
A large number of them are also legal residents

A large number of legal residents can be found

standing on the sides of roads, in front of businesses, piled in theback of a pick up truck, looking for "under the table" work

actually a good 40% of them are legal residents.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

^^ if you are here illegally as in you jumped the border with no visa or anything, you arent getting a green card. even if you get married to a citizen, its not happening.

yea....  I know for a fact they can get their green card by marrying a citizen.

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

My family is mexican and my dad and all his family were here illegally at one point.

the couldnt care less about this, all he told me was "if i can get a green card, why cant they?"

yea,  same with my pops he was here illegally at one point, he became a citizen couple years ago.
he basically said the same thing your dad said

im against this $@%! though , smh
Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

^^ if you are here illegally as in you jumped the border with no visa or anything, you arent getting a green card. even if you get married to a citizen, its not happening.

yea....  I know for a fact they can get their green card by marrying a citizen.

if you have some kind of big time pull yeah, otherwise not. its impossible for the average illegal immigrant with no visa. enter illegaly = no green card even through marriage.
Im for states' rights. 
If the people of Arizona feel like this is needed in their state then who are we to judge them?

However, Im against profiling and I dunno how much say the people had in this issue so Im not even gonna judge. 

I just hope the govt doesnt make this a fed vs. state thing again and try to expand their influence.  
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by glasses

so stop repeating the "im going to get pulled over while driving to work and i'm a legal citizen, several times a week" excuse

That's not going to happen.

oh really? so explain to me what kinda "reasonable" suspicion for asking someone for immigration papers?
I'd like to recommend you to read the rest of my post
A large number of them are also legal residents

A large number of legal residents can be found

standing on the sides of roads, in front of businesses, piled in theback of a pick up truck, looking for "under the table" work
actually a good 40% of them are legal residents.

source? link to report or study? 

until then,  Don't convey opinion as fact.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Im for states' rights. 
If the people of Arizona feel like this is needed in their state then who are we to judge them?

However, Im against profiling and I dunno how much say the people had in this issue so Im not even gonna judge. 

I just hope the govt doesnt make this a fed vs. state thing again and try to expand their influence.  

when did I (Jthagreat) an Arizona resident vote on this?
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Im for states' rights. 
If the people of Arizona feel like this is needed in their state then who are we to judge them?

However, Im against profiling and I dunno how much say the people had in this issue so Im not even gonna judge. 

I just hope the govt doesnt make this a fed vs. state thing again and try to expand their influence.  

when did I (Jthagreat) an Arizona resident vote on this?

smh. thats what i figured. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Im for states' rights. 
If the people of Arizona feel like this is needed in their state then who are we to judge them?

However, Im against profiling and I dunno how much say the people had in this issue so Im not even gonna judge. 

I just hope the govt doesnt make this a fed vs. state thing again and try to expand their influence.  

when did I (Jthagreat) an Arizona resident vote on this?

smh. thats what i figured. 

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Deuce King

DubA169 wrote:
The people praising this bill are the same people screaming "Obama took my freedoms"

oh the irony.....

100% Truth.
And the same ones protesting "government interference" in people's everyday lives yet working on government banning of same-sex marriage.

The hypocrisy is truly unbearable

The Democrats are just as bad because they have, despite stirring rhetroic to the contrary, maintained and expanded all of the bad, conservative Bush policies. They are keeping the Prescription Drug entitlement; they are escalating the failed prohibition against narcotics; they are escalating our overseas wars, they have not repealed the Patriot Act; they accuse people, who protest against them, terrorists and racists (It is Bush's "with us or against us" now applied to every American citizen who is a dissident instead of just foreign governments) and finally they are just as willing to us the "politics of fear" to get their way (watch Earth 2100 if you have any doubts).

At the same time, left wingers have their own bad ideas like unsustainable spending, suffocating rates of taxation on the most productive people in the country, demonizing job and wealth creating business while coddling giant and wasteful firms like Goldman and GE and GM. They distrust freemarkets (because freemarkets involve voluntary exchanges), they believe that they can always spend your money better than you ever could hope to do so. They want to keep people in poverty and dependant on their "generosity" (technically, you cannot be generous with other people's money) and finally, they hate property rights (President Obama called Jean-Paul Stephens, the Retiring US Supreme Court Justice, a person who stood up for the little guy. Justice Stephens said that local governments can seize any piece of property as long as the people, to whom they are give that confiscated property are richer than the people whose property was taken).

Let us also not forget that the left is just as dishonest and hypocritical of the Right. The Trust Fund Democrats all say how self less they are for taxing high income earners but they always keep enough loop holes to never really pay major taxes on their inherited wealth. They espouse the virtues of public school but almost never have their kids in DC public schools, they say that the economy is great when their id real unemployment rate pushing the upper teens and is well over twenty percent in many regions. They tell the general public that their health care bill is not a government take over but they brag to their diehards that this is just a "first step." Sadly, this list is not exhaustive.

Unless you are libertarian, you do not have a leg to stand on when it comes to principled opposition. It is chic to say how similar the Dems and the GOP are and while many say that to avoid being drawn into a political debates, it is true to the extent that the two mainstream parties present two form of soft totalitarianism. What ultimately matters is if you are more of a libertarian or if you are more of an authoritarian and most of you guys are currently authoritarians of one type or another.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Im for states' rights. 
If the people of Arizona feel like this is needed in their state then who are we to judge them?

However, Im against profiling and I dunno how much say the people had in this issue so Im not even gonna judge. 

I just hope the govt doesnt make this a fed vs. state thing again and try to expand their influence.  

when did I (Jthagreat) an Arizona resident vote on this?

smh. thats what i figured. 

im saying maybe if the people did a direct ballot proposition and got it passed, it would be a diff story. ima go look more into it
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Deuce King

DubA169 wrote:
The people praising this bill are the same people screaming "Obama took my freedoms"

oh the irony.....

100% Truth.
And the same ones protesting "government interference" in people's everyday lives yet working on government banning of same-sex marriage.

The hypocrisy is truly unbearable

The Democrats are just as bad because they have, despite stirring rhetroic to the contrary, maintained and expanded all of the bad, conservative Bush policies. They are keeping the Prescription Drug entitlement; they are escalating the failed prohibition against narcotics; they are escalating our overseas wars, they have not repealed the Patriot Act; they accuse people, who protest against them, terrorists and racists (It is Bush's "with us or against us" now applied to every American citizen who is a dissident instead of just foreign governments) and finally they are just as willing to us the "politics of fear" to get their way (watch Earth 2100 if you have any doubts).

At the same time, left wingers have their own bad ideas like unsustainable spending, suffocating rates of taxation on the most productive people in the country, demonizing job and wealth creating business while coddling giant and wasteful firms like Goldman and GE and GM. They distrust freemarkets (because freemarkets involve voluntary exchanges), they believe that they can always spend your money better than you ever could hope to do so. They want to keep people in poverty and dependant on their "generosity" (technically, you cannot be generous with other people's money) and finally, they hate property rights (President Obama called Jean-Paul Stephens, the Retiring US Supreme Court Justice, a person who stood up for the little guy. Justice Stephens said that local governments can seize any piece of property as long as the people, to whom they are give that confiscated property are richer than the people whose property was taken).

Let us also not forget that the left is just as dishonest and hypocritical of the Right. The Trust Fund Democrats all say how self less they are for taxing high income earners but they always keep enough loop holes to never really pay major taxes on their inherited wealth. They espouse the virtues of public school but almost never have their kids in DC public schools, they say that the economy is great when their id real unemployment rate pushing the upper teens and is well over twenty percent in many regions. They tell the general public that their health care bill is not a government take over but they brag to their diehards that this is just a "first step." Sadly, this list is not exhaustive.

Unless you are libertarian, you do not have a leg to stand on when it comes to principled opposition. It is chic to say how similar the Dems and the GOP are and while many say that to avoid being drawn into a political debates, it is true to the extent that the two mainstream parties present two form of soft totalitarianism. What ultimately matters is if you are more of a libertarian or if you are more of an authoritarian and most of you guys are currently authoritarians of one type or another.

Obviously there are hypocrites in both parties; however, the imbalance is greatly tipped toward the Republican side without question in my opinion.  The thing about most of the policies that you cited is that Democrats are not preaching something different.  The exceptions that I see would be the Patriot Act and continuing the wars in the Middle East.

I am not very educated about the prescription drug entitlement so I will not speak on that.  But to blame Democrats for not legalizing drugs is ridiculous; not that the idea of doing so is ridiculous, as I've often contemplated legalization's potential for a positive impact on our urban communities... however, when have Democrats ever run on a "legalization" platform?  Also to assert that Democrats are just as willing to use the "politics of fear" as Republicans, I can do nothing but
.  As for Democrats not sending their children to public schools, what does that have to do with fighting to adequately fund them?  Who is praising the public education system in any major city?

And yes, I firmly believe that, generally speaking, the government can spend people's money better than they can... especially when it comes to people who are absurdly wealthy.  I'm much more concerned with the common good than the ability for a small minority people to hoard wealth while the masses struggle for survival.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Yet another mindless sheep for the Republican party.......SMH.

lol, son thinks his opinion is fact.

Just because someone thinks something doesn't make brain damaged. Take in both sides, don't get offended because someone doesn't agree with you.

The idea of debate is to get someone to side with your opinon. Why would anyone want to listen to you if you are insulting them?

My statement has nothing to do with someone that has a different opinion than me.  My point is that alot of people for whatever reason seem to follow the program that they are told to follow, for this particular case this applies to some Republicans.  Sometimes you can ration with someone who is able to think on their own, other times you have to realize what you are up against and call it for what it is.  Can a black person and a member of the KKK have an open debate while getting the other person to side with their opinion......see what I mean, it doesn't work that way all the time. 

The Democrats are just as bad because they have, despite stirring rhetroic to the contrary, maintained and expanded all of the bad, conservative Bush policies. They are keeping the Prescription Drug entitlement; they are escalating the failed prohibition against narcotics; they are escalating our overseas wars, they have not repealed the Patriot Act
Are you really trying to compare government policies to that of government laws aimed at discriminating against people??

they accuse people, who protest against them, terrorists and racists

Well a good portion of them are.

and finally they are just as willing to us the "politics of fear" to get their way (watch Earth 2100 if you have any doubts).
In comparison to the Democrats, I don't even think you believe the statement you wrote.
rex the democrats suck. they are mostly cowards and hypocrites just like you said. But the republicans of today are on that next level. straight up evil. wishing that a terrorist attack would happen just to prove obama wrong. claiming obama isn't the legitimate president. there are very few real republicans left that have a platform at the moment. they are drowned out by religious nuts and bigots. that's the problem.

many republicans are on a mission to return to those olden days. they want "their country back". but we all know exactly what they mean by that. the 2 party system is messed up but the republicans are worse and more detrimental to this country. yes it's a generalization but i truly believe it. their party was overtaken by religious zealots years ago and they have to deal with it.
well i was talking to my nephew who is a border patrol agent, and i asked him how he felt about what Arizona is doing. and he replied that what they are doing is what every state in the united states can do uphold the federal law. so what Arizona is doing is exactly what the federal government is doing. he told me that all these news channels that are saying its a racial thing are full of it.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

well i was talking to my nephew who is a border patrol agent, and i asked him how he felt about what Arizona is doing. and he replied that what they are doing is what every state in the united states can do uphold the federal law. so what Arizona is doing is exactly what the federal government is doing. he told me that all these news channels that are saying its a racial thing are full of it.
this law will be found unconstitutional by the supreme court before it's ever enacted.
DubA169 wrote:
elgrenas wrote:
well i was talking to my nephew who is a border patrol agent, and i asked him how he felt about what Arizona is doing. and he replied that what they are doing is what every state in the united states can do uphold the federal law. so what Arizona is doing is exactly what the federal government is doing. he told me that all these news channels that are saying its a racial thing are full of it.

this law will be found unconstitutional by the supreme court before it's ever enacted.

so you are telling me that border patrol agents are breaking the law by chasing illegals when they are crossing the border. come on son reading is fundamental. my nephew said its the exact same law that he as a border patrol agent has to uphold. you see someone suspicious in the streets stop his %#% and ask for proper i.d.
now everyone is all vent out of shape that they are going to ask for identification. we already have to do this when we buy something at the store with a c.c. or get on a plane so why now that a state wants to enforce their laws its now being called racist.
oh by the way I'm Mexican for anyone that's going to start throwing the "oh you racist son" card at me.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

well i was talking to my nephew who is a border patrol agent, and i asked him how he felt about what Arizona is doing. and he replied that what they are doing is what every state in the united states can do uphold the federal law. so what Arizona is doing is exactly what the federal government is doing. he told me that all these news channels that are saying its a racial thing are full of it.
He's a damn border patrol agent, what the HELL do you expect him to say
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