^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Originally Posted by Lieutenant Kif

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

2 quick questions

i was watching the incredible hulk (one with norton), it was a pretty good film. liv tyler

1. what was the name of the monster tim roth turned into?
2. the scientist who helped roth turn into the monster, when the blood spilled on his head, did that turn him into something?
1. his name is abomination, i hope we see more of him and tim roth in the inevitable hulk sequel with ruffalo.
2. i believe that the scientist is supposed to turn into a hulk villain called the leader.  the leader is to intelligence/mental ability what the hulk is to physical strength.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Mark Ruffalo signed for 5 more marvel films


the 2 blurred out words are the 2 secret marvel films

notice, they are in alphabetical order

1st one im guessing its deadpool, 2nd inhumans
where did you get that screen shot from?

please god give us an inhumans movie.  Black Bolt is the friggin man.

Screen Shot is from Ryan Penagos' Twitter @Agent_M He works at Marvel. 
Here's the link to the tumblr post he posted this with 

Originally Posted by Brondiesel


Wish I knew there would be a schwarma eating scene after the boring credits. I wouldve stayed.

This, me and my bro were heated when we found out
'The Avengers'
Shawarma Sales SKYROCKET

In Los Angeles


You may not have realized it when you were in the theaters this weekend, but "The Avengers" is not a movie ... it's a guerrilla marketing campaign for the shawarma industry!!! We'll explain ...

At the end of the "film," a scene within the credits shows the movie's stars eating lunch at an undisclosed location (not a secret lair or anything, they just didn't say). The meal of choice was shawarma ... a callback to something Robert Downey Jr.'s character had said earlier in the movie.

TMZ spoke with several different fine eating establishments all across Los Angeles ... and they all say sales of shawarma went through the roof this weekend.

At Ro Ro's Chicken -- a famed Lebanese joint in Hollywood -- the manager says shawarma sales jumped 80% in the days after the movie opened. We're told the same thing happened a few years back when a baba ghanouj joke was featured in "You Don't Mess with the Zohan."

And that's that last time we'll mention "You Don't Mess with the Zohan" ever again.

Just saw this today... movie was way better than i expected, and i expected A LOT.
Going into this i was worried about stark and thor out shining my man cap, but they did a GREAT job with getting everyone equal screen time, even the lesser heros like widow and hawkeye
I dont know about you guys but my favorite fights where the ones with cap widow and hawkeye, where they actually had to FIGHT people unlike hulk and thor who just ran through people and iron man who just shot everyone.
My favorite part of the movie was when cap hands nick $10 on the ship, they way he did it with out a word and nicks i told you so face had me rolling
another moment i liked and hasn't been pointed out here is the bit where the girl states that nick took agents cards out of his locker and not from his pocket.
even though we can tell nick is a good guy, the fact that he took the cards out of agents locker and smeared his blood over them just to motivate the avengers will foreshadow him manipulating them in the future.
Originally Posted by Sea man

Just saw this today... movie was way better than i expected, and i expected A LOT.
Going into this i was worried about stark and thor out shining my man cap, but they did a GREAT job with getting everyone equal screen time, even the lesser heros like widow and hawkeye
I dont know about you guys but my favorite fights where the ones with cap widow and hawkeye, where they actually had to FIGHT people unlike hulk and thor who just ran through people and iron man who just shot everyone.
My favorite part of the movie was when cap hands nick $10 on the ship, they way he did it with out a word and nicks i told you so face had me rolling
another moment i liked and hasn't been pointed out here is the bit where the girl states that nick took agents cards out of his locker and not from his pocket.
even though we can tell nick is a good guy, the fact that he took the cards out of agents locker and smeared his blood over them just to motivate the avengers will foreshadow him manipulating them in the future.

That made me think... What if Coulson isn't dead? I know we saw him like die but what if the medical team revived him but Fury just said he was dead to give them a push? Just spit balling
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Sea man

Just saw this today... movie was way better than i expected, and i expected A LOT.
Going into this i was worried about stark and thor out shining my man cap, but they did a GREAT job with getting everyone equal screen time, even the lesser heros like widow and hawkeye
I dont know about you guys but my favorite fights where the ones with cap widow and hawkeye, where they actually had to FIGHT people unlike hulk and thor who just ran through people and iron man who just shot everyone.
My favorite part of the movie was when cap hands nick $10 on the ship, they way he did it with out a word and nicks i told you so face had me rolling
another moment i liked and hasn't been pointed out here is the bit where the girl states that nick took agents cards out of his locker and not from his pocket.
even though we can tell nick is a good guy, the fact that he took the cards out of agents locker and smeared his blood over them just to motivate the avengers will foreshadow him manipulating them in the future.

That made me think... What if Coulson isn't dead? I know we saw him like die but what if the medical team revived him but Fury just said he was dead to give them a push? Just spit balling
Coulson is an LMD.
I got all my chips on that play.

He's gonna come back like

Spoiler [+]

leaving the avengers on some weebay %%#$.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Sea man

Just saw this today... movie was way better than i expected, and i expected A LOT.
Going into this i was worried about stark and thor out shining my man cap, but they did a GREAT job with getting everyone equal screen time, even the lesser heros like widow and hawkeye
I dont know about you guys but my favorite fights where the ones with cap widow and hawkeye, where they actually had to FIGHT people unlike hulk and thor who just ran through people and iron man who just shot everyone.
My favorite part of the movie was when cap hands nick $10 on the ship, they way he did it with out a word and nicks i told you so face had me rolling
another moment i liked and hasn't been pointed out here is the bit where the girl states that nick took agents cards out of his locker and not from his pocket.
even though we can tell nick is a good guy, the fact that he took the cards out of agents locker and smeared his blood over them just to motivate the avengers will foreshadow him manipulating them in the future.

That made me think... What if Coulson isn't dead? I know we saw him like die but what if the medical team revived him but Fury just said he was dead to give them a push? Just spit balling
Or what is Coulson is a "Life Model Decoy"....hmmmmm
GotHolesInMySocks: Tim Roth was "The Abomination, and the Scientist was "The Leader" (or atleast thats what they hinted at by the giant swollen head
If they at all bring back Agent Coulson, I don't see it happening any other way than making him into Vision.

@ that article. I legit ate shwarma last friday too because of the Avengers.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Sea man

Just saw this today... movie was way better than i expected, and i expected A LOT.
Going into this i was worried about stark and thor out shining my man cap, but they did a GREAT job with getting everyone equal screen time, even the lesser heros like widow and hawkeye
I dont know about you guys but my favorite fights where the ones with cap widow and hawkeye, where they actually had to FIGHT people unlike hulk and thor who just ran through people and iron man who just shot everyone.
My favorite part of the movie was when cap hands nick $10 on the ship, they way he did it with out a word and nicks i told you so face had me rolling
another moment i liked and hasn't been pointed out here is the bit where the girl states that nick took agents cards out of his locker and not from his pocket.
even though we can tell nick is a good guy, the fact that he took the cards out of agents locker and smeared his blood over them just to motivate the avengers will foreshadow him manipulating them in the future.

That made me think... What if Coulson isn't dead? I know we saw him like die but what if the medical team revived him but Fury just said he was dead to give them a push? Just spit balling
Or what is Coulson is a "Life Model Decoy"....hmmmmm
GotHolesInMySocks: Tim Roth was "The Abomination, and the Scientist was "The Leader" (or atleast thats what they hinted at by the giant swollen head
from the phil coulson wiki page:
[h4]Iron Man 3[/h4]
Main article: Iron Man 3

Gregg was reportedly in talks to reprise the role in Iron Man 3.[sup][5    
Originally Posted by Sea man

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

That made me think... What if Coulson isn't dead? I know we saw him like die but what if the medical team revived him but Fury just said he was dead to give them a push? Just spit balling
Or what is Coulson is a "Life Model Decoy"....hmmmmm
GotHolesInMySocks: Tim Roth was "The Abomination, and the Scientist was "The Leader" (or atleast thats what they hinted at by the giant swollen head
from the phil coulson wiki page:
[h4]Iron Man 3[/h4]
Main article: Iron Man 3

Gregg was reportedly in talks to reprise the role in Iron Man 3.[sup][5    

LMD was always my first choice if they ever wanted to change Nick Fury but if they use it to kill Coulson alive... I'm cool with that. I liked him ever since IM1
I thought we were supposed to just assume it was life model decoy from the gate. I didnt even occur to me that Phil might ACTUALLY be dead...not even as he was dying
. No one died in comics, let alone the guy that was created and expanded explicitly for the movie adaptations. I mean... Tony's quip when he answered Coulson on the phone meant

A. LFDs exist in the movieverse already and
B. Coulson knows what one is.

I mean.. I just naturally assumed......
Originally Posted by MotivatedMidwestMogul

I thought we were supposed to just assume it was life model decoy from the gate. I didnt even occur to me that Phil might ACTUALLY be dead...not even as he was dying
. No one died in comics, let alone the guy that was created and expanded explicitly for the movie adaptations. I mean... Tony's quip when he answered Coulson on the phone meant

A. LFDs exist in the movieverse already and
B. Coulson knows what one is.

I mean.. I just naturally assumed......
I'm just so used to Whedon killing characters in all of his works. It's like its trademark next to witty banter
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by MotivatedMidwestMogul

I thought we were supposed to just assume it was life model decoy from the gate. I didnt even occur to me that Phil might ACTUALLY be dead...not even as he was dying
. No one died in comics, let alone the guy that was created and expanded explicitly for the movie adaptations. I mean... Tony's quip when he answered Coulson on the phone meant

A. LFDs exist in the movieverse already and
B. Coulson knows what one is.

I mean.. I just naturally assumed......
I'm just so used to Whedon killing characters in all of his works. It's like its trademark next to witty banter

Come to think of it... The MF'er really does kill off a lot of people. Especially when it's not expected.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

brought a bunch of comics to work today to show my students how heavy I was into the comic game as a kid

oh so you must know my ladies lol
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by MotivatedMidwestMogul

I thought we were supposed to just assume it was life model decoy from the gate. I didnt even occur to me that Phil might ACTUALLY be dead...not even as he was dying
. No one died in comics, let alone the guy that was created and expanded explicitly for the movie adaptations. I mean... Tony's quip when he answered Coulson on the phone meant

A. LFDs exist in the movieverse already and
B. Coulson knows what one is.

I mean.. I just naturally assumed......
I'm just so used to Whedon killing characters in all of his works. It's like its trademark next to witty banter

Come to think of it... The MF'er really does kill off a lot of people. Especially when it's not expected.
word...im still heated that he killed buffy's mom in the first 2 mins of an episode....no warning no nothing
Originally Posted by dhart48

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

I'm just so used to Whedon killing characters in all of his works. It's like its trademark next to witty banter

Come to think of it... The MF'er really does kill off a lot of people. Especially when it's not expected.
word...im still heated that he killed buffy's mom in the first 2 mins of an episode....no warning no nothing

He really got me with Fred on the last season of Angel. Even though Amy Acker was still on the show as Illyria...

My sweet, sweet Fred was gone.
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

think New York Post had a slip on the new Avengers character...

 sorry about the size
pic didnt work, can you repost that?
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by dhart48

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Come to think of it... The MF'er really does kill off a lot of people. Especially when it's not expected.
word...im still heated that he killed buffy's mom in the first 2 mins of an episode....no warning no nothing

He really got me with Fred on the last season of Angel. Even though Amy Acker was still on the show as Illyria...

My sweet, sweet Fred was gone.

Lets not talk about Serenity where he just was offing dudes left right and center. I swear he knows how to create and kill characters. He's like G.R.R. Martin's son from the future or something.
It would make no sense if Coulson was a LFD then what was that whole sad Sam Jackson face when he saw dude dead...for me it would stupid to later find out coulson is still alive.
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