^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Originally Posted by MastaMind033

I think Downey releases the studio took a chance on him for Iron Man and it paid off well for both of them, I'm sure he's incredibly grateful and happy to be Tony Stark as long as he can. Remember that Terrence Howard got a higher salary then Downey because of his troublesome past. Also when you do big movies like these, make a studio a ton of money, and willing to stick with the franchise, you can pretty much get any kind of pet project or smaller kind of movie made.
You're definitely right.  Marvel revived his career, there was a point when no studio would touch him because he was in and out of rehab every week, but his swag is on a trillion now
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by MastaMind033

I think Downey releases the studio took a chance on him for Iron Man and it paid off well for both of them, I'm sure he's incredibly grateful and happy to be Tony Stark as long as he can. Remember that Terrence Howard got a higher salary then Downey because of his troublesome past. Also when you do big movies like these, make a studio a ton of money, and willing to stick with the franchise, you can pretty much get any kind of pet project or smaller kind of movie made.
You're definitely right.  Marvel revived his career, there was a point when no studio would touch him because he was in and out of rehab every week, but his swag is on a trillion now
I partly agree with that but I feel like his roles in Zodiac, Tropic Thunder, and The Soloist are what revived him. Yeah the summer blockbuster Ironman brought him to everyone's attention but the movie buffs solidified his return to the big screen with those three films.
Scarlett Johansson
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by MastaMind033

I think Downey releases the studio took a chance on him for Iron Man and it paid off well for both of them, I'm sure he's incredibly grateful and happy to be Tony Stark as long as he can. Remember that Terrence Howard got a higher salary then Downey because of his troublesome past. Also when you do big movies like these, make a studio a ton of money, and willing to stick with the franchise, you can pretty much get any kind of pet project or smaller kind of movie made.
You're definitely right.  Marvel revived his career, there was a point when no studio would touch him because he was in and out of rehab every week, but his swag is on a trillion now
I partly agree with that but I feel like his roles in Zodiac, Tropic Thunder, and The Soloist are what revived him. Yeah the summer blockbuster Ironman brought him to everyone's attention but the movie buffs solidified his return to the big screen with those three films.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Which is why Shane Black is writing the script for IM3.
Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Originally Posted by solarius49

You're definitely right.  Marvel revived his career, there was a point when no studio would touch him because he was in and out of rehab every week, but his swag is on a trillion now
I partly agree with that but I feel like his roles in Zodiac, Tropic Thunder, and The Soloist are what revived him. Yeah the summer blockbuster Ironman brought him to everyone's attention but the movie buffs solidified his return to the big screen with those three films.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Which is why Shane Black is writing the script for IM3.
I do like that movie but I don't think that is what revived him. 
Zodiac? Is that the movie about the Zodiac killer? Don't recall Downey being in it but there were 2 versions based on that. Agree about The Soloist and Tropic Thunder though. One let you know he can handle a serious role again and the other exposed him all over again in a funny movie with him being one of the funniest in it.

Good news to hear about him being content with IM and Sherlock.

As far as Whedon and his whole Buffy/Angle series
He killed some ppl that caught me off guard. Turned Fred in to a damn demon. IMO, my boy Zander still never got enough shine.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Zodiac? Is that the movie about the Zodiac killer? Don't recall Downey being in it but there were 2 versions based on that. Agree about The Soloist and Tropic Thunder though. One let you know he can handle a serious role again and the other exposed him all over again in a funny movie with him being one of the funniest in it.

Yeah about the Zodiac Killer.I think there was another movie called Zodiac or something similar but it had Jake Gyllenhaal in it. Downey was really good in it. He played it like a dramdey  which was great.  
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Very disappointed that there was no Edward Norton.
People have such a big hard-on for Ed Norton that they fail to see this was the best version of Bruce Banner/Hulk to date... yes, better than Norton's "Hulk".
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Very disappointed that there was no Edward Norton.
People have such a big hard-on for Ed Norton that they fail to see this was the best version of Bruce Banner/Hulk to date... yes, better than Norton's "Hulk".

Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Originally Posted by solarius49

You're definitely right.  Marvel revived his career, there was a point when no studio would touch him because he was in and out of rehab every week, but his swag is on a trillion now
I partly agree with that but I feel like his roles in Zodiac, Tropic Thunder, and The Soloist are what revived him. Yeah the summer blockbuster Ironman brought him to everyone's attention but the movie buffs solidified his return to the big screen with those three films.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Which is why Shane Black is writing the script for IM3.

I love that movie. That was the comeback of RDJ (and I thought Val Kilmer) for me.

The same guy who made that was honestly why I was willing to give IM3 a shot after how terrible IM2 was...before I saw Avengers.
[h1]'The Avengers' & The Pentagon: Why The U.S. Government Decided To Bail On The Film[/h1]
The Huffington Post | By Kia MakarechiPosted: 05/07/2012 8:05 pm


The Pentagon decided not to work with Marvel on "The Avengers" on account of the movie's "unreality."

The Pentagon decided to stop cooperating with "Marvel's The Avengers" because the film seemed too unrealistic, Wired reports.

It's surprising that the government did not participate in the film, as the military has a long history of working with studios on action movies. In fact, the Pentagon loaned some F-22s to Marvel for Robert Downey Jr. to go toe-to-toe with in "Iron Man." It also gave a whole host of military vehicles (including ships and helicopters) to Paramount for "Transformers."

Why so little love for the film that would go on to have the best-stelling opening weekend of all time, then? The Defense Department's Hollywood liaison (that's a real position) said the government was concerned about the vague authority of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Samuel L. Jackson-led international peacekeeping / spy-$$# organization (please don't write us letters!) that brings together the Avengers to do Avenger-y things.

"We couldn’t reconcile the unreality of this international organization and our place in it," Phil Strub told Wired. “To whom did S.H.I.E.L.D. answer? Did we work for S.H.I.E.L.D.? We hit that roadblock and decided we couldn’t do anything."

Indeed. Cars that turn into robots that think for themselves and wage war on humans? Real enough. Demigods and superheroes? Get out of town.

"Avengers" was plenty real for the movie's stars. Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Hulk, told HuffPost he believes the superhero romp "really is a metaphor for what's going on in America."

"In the end, it's the community working together, without the real egomaniacal leader," he added. "It's going to take all of us working together, with all of our strengths. We don't need to dominate to move forward. We need to work together. Everyone has their own strengths and their own talents. We can all benefit from one another."

The government's noncompliance notwithstanding, a few U.S. military apparati did make it into the film. F-22 Raptors are spotted during the movie, as are what appear to be F-35 Joint Strike Fighters. What gives? Strub said Marvel "digitally inserted" the jets into the footage.

They're cool with the American government forming an alliance with space robots that can disguise themselves with everyday vehicles and other machines but SHIELD being an international peace keeping force that had authoritative figures cloaked in the shadows was a problem?

Eh, won't lie though. In the comics, most times SHIELD comes off as working for the US but somehow get an okay from other countries when they show up to do their thing. They def do answer to the US gov't too.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Very disappointed that there was no Edward Norton.
People have such a big hard-on for Ed Norton that they fail to see this was the best version of Bruce Banner/Hulk to date... yes, better than Norton's "Hulk".
I think the main problem here is ppl are not looking at it correctly. Yall shouldn't even be factoring w/e the hell the Hulk does. That's all cgi. You're suppose to look at the portrayal of Banner. I don't got a hard on for Norton but he is a really good actor and Norton did a great job as Banner. IMO you can't compare his whole film of being Banner to Ruffalo's Banner. If you do there's no objective way Ruffalo did the better job of portraying Banner. Any argument for Ruffalo is gonna involve a bunch of excuses about the team's dynamic in the Avengers movie. Yall don't have a good enough idea how an entire movie with Ruffalo as Banner would even be.

On another note, Stan Lee should've been the security guard guy to give Banner new pants.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

Yeah I guess you're right. Robert Downey just seems like he would get bored really quick, i mean I dont know the guy, so im just talkin out my @!$

I read or saw an interview where RDJ said he'd be perfectly happy playing Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes and nothing else his entire life so I don't think he gets bored with it. 
Well hey, I wouldn't complain. Those are two amazing roles. 
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Very disappointed that there was no Edward Norton.
People have such a big hard-on for Ed Norton that they fail to see this was the best version of Bruce Banner/Hulk to date... yes, better than Norton's "Hulk".
I have to agree to this. I really feel that Mark Ruffalo did a great job as Bruce Banner. Personally, I don't think snide remarks that Ruffalo had in the Avengers wouldn't really work with Norton. Also, the Avengers version of the Hulk was well-done.
Also, I believe that Iron Man is what re-ignited Downey Jr. career. If it wasn't for that film, he wouldn't have made Zodiac, Soloist, Tropic Thunder, Sherlock Holmes, etc.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

They're cool with the American government forming an alliance with space robots that can disguise themselves with everyday vehicles and other machines but SHIELD being an international peace keeping force that had authoritative figures cloaked in the shadows was a problem?

Eh, won't lie though. In the comics, most times SHIELD comes off as working for the US but somehow get an okay from other countries when they show up to do their thing. They def do answer to the US gov't too.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Very disappointed that there was no Edward Norton.
People have such a big hard-on for Ed Norton that they fail to see this was the best version of Bruce Banner/Hulk to date... yes, better than Norton's "Hulk".
I think the main problem here is ppl are not looking at it correctly. Yall shouldn't even be factoring w/e the hell the Hulk does. That's all cgi. You're suppose to look at the portrayal of Banner. I don't got a hard on for Norton but he is a really good actor and Norton did a great job as Banner. IMO you can't compare his whole film of being Banner to Ruffalo's Banner. If you do there's no objective way Ruffalo did the better job of portraying Banner. Any argument for Ruffalo is gonna involve a bunch of excuses about the team's dynamic in the Avengers movie. Yall don't have a good enough idea how an entire movie with Ruffalo as Banner would even be.

On another note, Stan Lee should've been the security guard guy to give Banner new pants.
110% of this
^See, I thought not having the security guard be Stan Lee was a little joke from Whedon.
Like that would be the token Stan Lee cameo.
And then right after you completely forget to look for dude, he pops up and it's comedy.

Just reminded me...can someone find a gif of that dude getting the Tony Stark goatee?
I don't exactly care who portrays banner as long as it's done well. So with that said, the Incredible Hulk version was done extremely well IMHO. Norton elicited that same "OMG they got it right!" that I had for the other Avengers (esp. Thor and Stark). It sucked to not see Norton reprise such a spot on role. On the other hand, it didn't suck to see Ruffalo not mess it up. So I'm content. Bring on the sequel..


So was anybody as pissed as me to not see Pym and T'Challa???!?!?!?!?!?!

Hypothetical fight scene with Goliath vs C'hitauri Leviathan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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