^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

I'm just surprised that this is the biggest performing CBM of all time and the thread's only on 70 pages. TDKR isn't even out and its thread is already at 80 pages. I know SM3 came out to 80 plus pages as well.


WARNING: This post contains spoilers for The Avengers!

Joss Whedon’s predilection for killing beloved characters is as obvious as it is heart-breaking and infuriating. There was Joyce Summers, Tara Maclay, Anya Jenkins and many others on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Wash and Shepherd Book in Serenity, Winifred Burkle on Angel, Rupert Giles in theBuffy comics. The list goes on.

And while fans fully expected the writer/director to off someone in Marvel’s The Avengers — Black Widow was an early odds-on favorite — once it turned out to be fan-favorite Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg), the reaction was relatively muted. The S.H.I.E.L.D. operative is as much the connective tissue of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury, so you’dthink there would be more online outcry about his demise. Maybe audiences expect Coulson’s timely resurrection, a la Buffy, Spike or Angel (I’ve seen suggestions he’ll return as the big-screen version of The Vision). Or maybe they were just relieved Scarlett Johansson’s super-spy lives to fight another day.

Although that may be a mystery, Whedon’s reasons for killing Agent Coulson is not. At a press junket for The Avengers, the director came clean, telling io9.com it was … someone else’s idea.

“In our first meeting [Marvel Studios President] Kevin Feige said, this is what we’re gonna do and I said, ‘Oh, but you have to go out there and tell everybody that it was your idea because this is going to get me so much $%%%. Because they are all going to be like, “Oh, he did it again!
Originally Posted by amel223

I'm just surprised that this is the biggest performing CBM of all time and the thread's only on 70 pages. TDKR isn't even out and its thread is already at 80 pages. I know SM3 came out to 80 plus pages as well.

you shouldn't be surprised about TDKR
Batman has a much bigger following then The Avengers, especially the Nolan world Batman. It's a different animal
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by amel223

I'm just surprised that this is the biggest performing CBM of all time and the thread's only on 70 pages. TDKR isn't even out and its thread is already at 80 pages. I know SM3 came out to 80 plus pages as well.

you shouldn't be surprised about TDKR
Batman has a much bigger following then The Avengers, especially the Nolan world Batman. It's a different animal
Originally Posted by NewYawkRemote

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This came out already?! Thought it was slated for next summer, for those that have seen it whats the verdict? My body is ready!

at how he looks at him for a sec, then continues bashing. 

Ya'll kill me with the Daredevil hate. 
   I thought that movie was solid. 

Solarius or RFX, you guys are talkin about this Gaurdians of the Galaxy movie(s), what kind of timeline are we lookin at?  I mean, is that going to come out of nowhere (ala Watchmen) or will they spin it off from these Avenger films?  Is this a 2014 type release, 2017?  I don't know the comics at all, I only know the films and what I learn from a few friends that know comics, so I'm asking honestly.  The stuff you guys are talking about sounds MASS scale compared to these whimpy little Avengers. 
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by amel223

I'm just surprised that this is the biggest performing CBM of all time and the thread's only on 70 pages.

I'm not. The Dark Knight >>> Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man 2 and Thor combined.

This is the first time most of these characters really resonated with a lot of people.
To answer the GotG question, I think they will have to at least track it back to the Avengers due to Thanos having fought and killed multiple members during the Thanos Imperative. On a timeline, probably 2014/15. They could be 2014 since the 2 films slated for that year are unnanounced, they wold have to get a script done asap and start pre-pro by end of year though unless they don't intend to give it any semblance of the original plotlines and just do the Thanos Imperative.

I wonder if they will spin off the Guardians into an Annihilators film as well since Cosmo is affiliated with both teams and it gives the Marvel-verse the galactic base it needs to introduce Galactus, SS, and those types of characters. I know my brother would be excited if Beta Ray Bill got his shot on the big screen haha.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by NewYawkRemote

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This came out already?! Thought it was slated for next summer, for those that have seen it whats the verdict? My body is ready!

at how he looks at him for a sec, then continues bashing. 

Ya'll kill me with the Daredevil hate. 
   I thought that movie was solid. 

Solarius or RFX, you guys are talkin about this Gaurdians of the Galaxy movie(s), what kind of timeline are we lookin at?  I mean, is that going to come out of nowhere (ala Watchmen) or will they spin it off from these Avenger films?  Is this a 2014 type release, 2017?  I don't know the comics at all, I only know the films and what I learn from a few friends that know comics, so I'm asking honestly.  The stuff you guys are talking about sounds MASS scale compared to these whimpy little Avengers. 
Im not gonna lie, I dont keep up with movie production or anything like that, but your last sentence pretty much wraps it up.  Thanos in an Avengers movie, would be like putting Batman up against Doomsday (the guy who killed Superman).
I mean, if Avengers 2 is going to be 2014, 2015ish, then when do they release those movies, ya know? 

Can't have Avengers 2 and Gaurdians out the same summer of 2015, and Guardians in 2016, is only one year after Avengers 2, that's a bit tight, isn't it? 

I don't see a matching timeframe for all these ideas to be put out there.  And if there is going to be an Avengers 3 (and there will be) that's 2017-2018, I mean.........
GoG has no release date yet, it was just confirmed that it is in talk or being made. For all we know, it might not even happen since these characters are such unknowns. It really is all speculation at this point.

Here's some solid release dates though:
Iron Man 3 (05/03/13)
Thor 2 (07/26/13)
Captain America 2 (04/14/14)

Disney also has one more vacant release dates for an unknown Marvel film for 06/27/14. I doubt that will be Avengers 2 because it really makes no sense to put another Avenger character film with A2 in the same year so A2 will likely be release around May of 2015. So that leaves us with the June 2014 release, which could be GoG, Doctor Strange, Inhumans or Ant-Man. If I were to venture a guess, a Doctor Strange movie seems more plausible than GoG. Doctor Strange can ride the Harry Potter "magic/sorcerrer" popularity and GoG is just too much of a gamble to be honest, it'll be a hit or miss. I'd say about 1% of Nters knows who these guys are.
Originally Posted by RFX45

GoG has no release date yet, it was just confirmed that it is in talk or being made. For all we know, it might not even happen since these characters are such unknowns. It really is all speculation at this point.

Here's some solid release dates though:
Iron Man 3 (05/03/13)
Thor 2 (07/26/13)
Captain America 2 (04/14/14)

Disney also has one more vacant release dates for an unknown Marvel film for 06/27/14. I doubt that will be Avengers 2 because it really makes no sense to put another Avenger character film with A2 in the same year so A2 will likely be release around May of 2015. So that leaves us with the June 2014 release, which could be GoG, Doctor Strange, Inhumans or Ant-Man. If I were to venture a guess, a Doctor Strange movie seems more plausible than GoG. Doctor Strange can ride the Harry Potter "magic/sorcerrer" popularity and GoG is just too much of a gamble to be honest, it'll be a hit or miss. I'd say about 1% of Nters knows who these guys are.

Ok, so, what if we connect the dots?  Thanos is coming, this much is known.  A movie about 10 weeks after Cap 2, and if we're guessing right, Avengers 2 is May 2015.  So then maybe that GoG is the mystery release after all?  Thor and Cap lead up to the impending Thanos introduction, does GoG fit into that timeline in some way, or is that storyline more of an after the Avengers have done all their main work?  Cuz I would assume the mystery movie isn't going to be a stand alone, right?  Has to be a tie in leading up to Avengers 2, wouldn't you think? 
I believe GoG is in the same timeline as the Avengers per say but I really am not expert. I've only read up on GoG because Rocket Racoon reminded me of Starfox. GoG and Avengers may have worked together to bring down Thanos, I'm not entirely sure. Avenger has had numerous encounters with Thanos though, that's for sure.

The thing is, movies doesn't always follow continuity so it really can go anywhere. Thanos isn't really an Avengers nemesis like the Legion of Doom is JLAs or Fantastic Fours arch-villain Dr. Doom. Actually Thanos is more synonymous with FF. I am still doubtful of a GoG film being made but we shall see.

As for the mystery film, there is a possibility it won't be a tie-in with anything and simply a stand alone film. They've pretty much introduced all the main members of the Avengers and really, there isn't much interest in any other characters origins that they can't squeeze into the next Avengers film. Keep in mind that in Avengers 2, they'l have plenty of time since they already got the groups origin out of the way as well. There will be less conflict between each other because that was the theme of the first film and they can't/shouldn't recycle that idea too much in the the sequel so they'll have some time to burn.

Plus the other films didn't really focus on the Avengers, it was more implied and usually just at the end of the films as an easter egg and get people excited. Capt. America has the most tie-in but it stands on it's own. I could imagine them doing the same thing in IM3, CA2 and Thor2. That's just how I see it.

Now, as to why I see Thanos being a good villain for Avengers, like I said before he isn't defeated by sheer force. He is beaten by being tricked or being reasoned with. The Avengers alone can accomplish this, make it seem like they have no chance but still manage to beat Thanos anyways. This is nothing new.
Originally Posted by amel223

I'm just surprised that this is the biggest performing CBM of all time and the thread's only on 70 pages. TDKR isn't even out and its thread is already at 80 pages. I know SM3 came out to 80 plus pages as well.

NTers obviously aren't a huge percentage of the ppl who contributed to it being the biggest performing CBM of all time.
RFX45 wrote:
Plus the other films didn't really focus on the Avengers, it was more implied and usually just at the end of the films as an easter egg and get people excited. Capt. America has the most tie-in but it stands on it's own. I could imagine them doing the same thing in IM3, CA2 and Thor2. That's just how I see it.

Good stuff man, thanks.

As for this one, I "think" we will see more tie ins now, with the news about Ruffalo signing a 6 picture deal for the Hulk, that would lead me to believe that he's going to token appear in the individual sequels just as Nick Fury has.  Not a ton of screen time, but some interactions they'll use to develop the storylines.  So I assume each one will lead closer and closer to the Avengers 2 plot.  The chase for this power, the chase for that person/entity, whatever the background is going to be, while they also focus on developing the characters better.  Sort of serves two purposes.  Develop Thor and Captain a little better, give them their shine, also develop more connection, say David Banner and Tony Stark working on something together in a lab in IM3, or Hulk showing up in a pinch for Thor, etc. 

Agree 100% tho about A2 havin a lot more free time now that the bickering will be out of the way, just bring them back together and get on with it. 

I am curious tho if at some point they delve into Tony Stark's drinking in more in IM3. 
  If that was a stand alone franchise, I think it would be the time to show it, but with the other projects, I don't know if they'll want to get into that.  So far they've only really alluded to it.  And with him happy with Pepper and what not, not sure how it would work him being "depressed" in any way. 

If Ruffallo is indeed signed to a 6 film deal, Avengers being done so it means he has 5 more then I'd put that mystery film as a Hulk film then. That would be my best guess because the Hulks popularity got even bigger with this film so that seems like the most logical way to go to be honest.

In IM3, they could delve into his drinking but the story is loosely base on the extremis storyline and I don't want to spoil it but drinking isn't really the focus of that storyline but I could see them integrating it I guess. Extremis comic book plot in the spoiler, don't open if you don't want it spoiled.

Spoiler [+]
Extremis is pretty much Stark being badly beaten and needing the extremis (nano tech) to be integrated in his body to heal and beat the villain. The armor pretty much becomes part of his body, it hides in the hollow parts of his bones so he could summon it anytime. I guess he can go into a drinking binge after he suffers a huge defeat that could lead to extremis becoming part of him?

To those who has Netflix, it's still on Netflix and worth a quick watch/read.
Also, I don't see any other characters having a big cameo in any other characters movies. Seems like a waste of movie appearance especially if it is considered as one movie in their contract. 
Oh %%@*
I just read Avengers Assemble issue 3 of 5 limited edition which are using the the same members from the movie and Bendis nicely pulled off Thanos being the direct villain.

Anybody interested should check it out.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Oh %%@*
I just read Avengers Assemble issue 3 of 5 limited edition which are using the the same members from the movie and Bendis nicely pulled off Thanos being the direct villain.

Anybody interested should check it out.

Is it available in tradepaperback yet? Or is it an ongoing storyline still? 
I hate reading and getting comic every week/month now, I rather tradepaperbacks. 

Really looking forward to Avengers vs XMen but that'll like be in tradepaperback form no less than next year.
IM3 will focus on the Extremis Storyline, not much mention of the alchohol problem in that if I recall.

Cap 2 and Thor 2 could actually introduce an angle for GotG because Major Victory is an alternate timeline version of Cap. though that would mean you have to explain the time rifts that the Guardians have to close and what not which deviates alot from the Thanos Imperative plot. Thor because at a point in his comics, they added celestial and galactic beings such as Beta Ray Bill, Surfer, Galactus etc.

Also, Thanos' original big break was in Iron Man where he searched for the Cosmic Cube (Tessaract).Drax, Mantis, and Moondragon, 3 members of the Guardians, are introduced because they were humans that are killed when he comes to earth. That could springboard the beginning of the Guardians movie as a sort of flashback Drax has seeing as how he feels his sole purpose in why he survived is to kill Thanos.

If the gauntlet is introduced, then there is a ton of back story, not to mention rights that would be needed for characters that fought/died in the arc. I also feel they are setting up the Civil War storyline for Cap 2, I need to rewatch Avengers, but I believe there was an allusion to it.

Someone asked about the Avengers doing something while GotG were working in space. The Secret Invasion was going on, which means they would also have to integrate the Skrull somehow.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Oh %%@*
I just read Avengers Assemble issue 3 of 5 limited edition which are using the the same members from the movie and Bendis nicely pulled off Thanos being the direct villain.

Anybody interested should check it out
Is it available in tradepaperback yet? Or is it an ongoing storyline still? 
I hate reading and getting comic every week/month now, I rather tradepaperbacks. 

Really looking forward to Avengers vs XMen but that'll like be in tradepaperback form no less than next year.
Nah not yet. Only 5 issues so it should be in trade by June, July the latest. Feel you on waiting I'm currently waiting out AvX too. I just kept up with this  earlier this year cuz somebody told me it'd be a good story that'd make ppl want to see the movie a bit more.
^ With all of the Guardians talk, I read that GoG is the other Marvel project slated for 2014.

And Marvel is really committed to making a Dr. Strange film, and is LOWKEY being fast tracked for release sometime in 2013...smh...making it seem like its so far away, thats already next year
. Damn, times flying.
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