^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Honestly, I think if they are going to do a couple more Avengers movies, they shouldnt introduce more than 1 or 2 characters per movie, and they shouldnt be anything more than supporting characters. I dont have the faith in the script writers to incorporate several different characters and their powers without making it extra corny.

Black Panther would be dope, because he doesnt really require any special effects, and doesnt have any outlandish powers

As far as Pym, the team already has 2 dysfunctional scientists, and 1 of those scientists already grows to the size of the Hulk, I do think it would be really easy to bring Cheadle back as War Machine

Vision would also be good to see, although every time he was on the screen it would be INCREDIBLY CGI heavy, but his story could somehow cross paths with the death of Agent Coulson
It could be cool if they unfroze Bucky, and sent him at Cap and Black Widow as the Winter Soldier, as part of a subplot
edit:  And how does Gwyneth Paltrow always look so sexy? she has to be pushing 50 
Originally Posted by Nermindee

eh, B-... it appealed to little kids more than anything...

Yeah, because comic books were made for grown adults and not little kids.. It epic for it being based off a kid's comic book.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Honestly, I think if they are going to do a couple more Avengers movies, they shouldnt introduce more than 1 or 2 characters per movie, and they shouldnt be anything more than supporting characters. I dont have the faith in the script writers to incorporate several different characters and their powers without making it extra corny.

Black Panther would be dope, because he doesnt really require any special effects, and doesnt have any outlandish powers

As far as Pym, the team already has 2 dysfunctional scientists, and 1 of those scientists already grows to the size of the Hulk, I do think it would be really easy to bring Cheadle back as War Machine

Vision would also be good to see, although every time he was on the screen it would be INCREDIBLY CGI heavy, but his story could somehow cross paths with the death of Agent Coulson
It could be cool if they unfroze Bucky, and sent him at Cap and Black Widow as the Winter Soldier, as part of a subplot
edit:  And how does Gwyneth Paltrow always look so sexy? she has to be pushing 50 

Black Panther would be cool, as well as Vision. I'd throw Quicksilver in there too.
As for Bucky and the Winter Soldier plot, I think that's what Captain American 2 is going to be about.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

saw the 2D last night (not paying for that 3D wackness). movie was comedy. really fun to watch. hulk owned tho, dude was a one man team running thru walls, manhandling all sorts of aliens. avengers did not need to assemble honestly

...scarlet johansson
that slow back shot when she was interrogating loki, had all the dudes in the theater including myself gassed. she was looking too good in the film.

.........gwyneth paltrow really surprised me too, she always looks dope in the marvel movies

def paying to see this again.

You do know there's a nude picture of scarlett on the internet lol shows her beautiful back side
Originally Posted by solarius49

Vision would also be good to see, although every time he was on the screen it would be INCREDIBLY CGI heavy, but his story could somehow cross paths with the death of Agent Coulson

I disagree, they pulled off Silver Surfer well, when he was captured and he wasn't all shiny, I don't think that was fully CGI.  I don't see why Vision would be any different. I am sure they can make that and only do CGI on action scenes. They'd just have to adapt the same body and face from that Silver Surfer and put a cape and change the colorway on his body. I think the hardest part would be translating his colors (yellow & green) on-screen where it doesn't look fake or costumey.
Bro im almost mad at you for posting that Fantastic Four 2 pic, put that garbage in a spoiler next time.

MastaMind: Quicksilver is out broseph (plus you would have to include Scarlet Witch, possibly Magneto) and Fox has the rights to all the mutant characters
Originally Posted by solarius49

Bro im almost mad at you for posting that Fantastic Four 2 pic, put that garbage in a spoiler next time.

MastaMind: Quicksilver is out broseph (plus you would have to include Scarlet Witch, possibly Magneto) and Fox has the rights to all the mutant characters

2:00 mark
Bro, that was a GREAT watch

I think Ant-Man would be a dark comedy with some action mixed in too
btw this is my baby and i love her

Spoiler [+]
Only good Ant Man is the irredeemable Ant Man.

Hank Pym is extremely annoying. Plus dude is pretty crazy in the uncool way. Son got like 5 different superhero identites due to mental breakdowns and insecurity. Could never take the pressure, always whining about Ultron and not being as good as the other members. Plus he beat his wife.

Scott Lang was a better Ant Man than Pym.

RFX45, you're right they definitely should do Vision like that instead of going heavy on the cgi. Not really sold on introducing the Vision anyway, I like his origin instead of making a new one just so it could connect to Coulson.
Originally Posted by MastaMind033

Originally Posted by solarius49

Honestly, I think if they are going to do a couple more Avengers movies, they shouldnt introduce more than 1 or 2 characters per movie, and they shouldnt be anything more than supporting characters. I dont have the faith in the script writers to incorporate several different characters and their powers without making it extra corny.

Black Panther would be dope, because he doesnt really require any special effects, and doesnt have any outlandish powers

As far as Pym, the team already has 2 dysfunctional scientists, and 1 of those scientists already grows to the size of the Hulk, I do think it would be really easy to bring Cheadle back as War Machine

Vision would also be good to see, although every time he was on the screen it would be INCREDIBLY CGI heavy, but his story could somehow cross paths with the death of Agent Coulson
It could be cool if they unfroze Bucky, and sent him at Cap and Black Widow as the Winter Soldier, as part of a subplot
edit:  And how does Gwyneth Paltrow always look so sexy? she has to be pushing 50 

Black Panther would be cool, as well as Vision. I'd throw Quicksilver in there too.
As for Bucky and the Winter Soldier plot, I think that's what Captain American 2 is going to be about.
I want this. I want this more than anything you've ever imagined...
@JayPesoz, thanks for the vid. I'm sure Fox won't do anything with Quicksilver or Scarlet Witch since they just redid the whole X-Men and Magneto is now a young man in their films.

@Uptempo kid, the Winter Soldier just seems like the most logical move in Captain America 2. In the first film, Bucky was experimented on and when he supposedly dies, you never actually see him die and it just happens to be in a cold environment, which would allow him to be frozen like Cap. Also this plot would allow them to use Black Widow in the film if they wanted to.
Ant Man probably isn't happening because a solo Ant Man movie is already in the works, that is set in the 60's.
Originally Posted by MastaMind033

@JayPesoz, thanks for the vid. I'm sure Fox won't do anything with Quicksilver or Scarlet Witch since they just redid the whole X-Men and Magneto is now a young man in their films.

@Uptempo kid, the Winter Soldier just seems like the most logical move in Captain America 2. In the first film, Bucky was experimented on and when he supposedly dies, you never actually see him die and it just happens to be in a cold environment, which would allow him to be frozen like Cap. Also this plot would allow them to use Black Widow in the film if they wanted to.
Oh I know. As soon as I saw Bucky fall out of that train... I cheered. Won't be the same without Wolverine tho
Originally Posted by MastaMind033

 Also this plot would allow them to use Black Widow in the film if they wanted to.

Am I the only one kind of sick with Black Widow already? I feel she had too big of a role in the Avengers film, I really don't want her character spreading into every other Marvels films like Wolverine has in the comic books. 
^^True and I think their planning on doing a solo Black Widow film, so she isn't exactly needed in the new Cap movie
@Uptempo, cheering when Bucky fell off the train?, that's cold but yea, I got a little excited too when that happened
Also, Feige has stated they share the rights to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with Fox. They just wouldn't be allowed to get into their back stories.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Who would play a good Black Panther?

Wesley Snipes?
I'd probably pick Idris Elba but then again he was Heimdall so there might be a conflict there.
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