The Booty I Saw Yesterday (Creepers)

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someone get this man a cape...
Straight up, I can see how people view this thread as creepy, however, these girls are out in public where literally anyone could see them. I have definitely taken some stealth shots before. 95 percent of men probably have. 4 percent are probably too old to use the camera feature and the remaining 1 percent is the dude in this thread on his soapbox. Now if these were pics attained using hidden camera in their homes or something like that, I'd be totally against it.
Straight up, I can see how people view this thread as creepy, however, these girls are out in public where literally anyone could see them. I have definitely taken some stealth shots before. 95 percent of men probably have. 4 percent are probably too old to use the camera feature and the remaining 1 percent is the dude in this thread on his soapbox. Now if these were pics attained using hidden camera in their homes or something like that, I'd be totally against it.
like them in the shower, that type of thing?
Taking pics when they're in what would be considered a private place eg. Their house, in a restroom etc. When they aren't in publics eye. On some Erin Andrews steez.
this is getting really weird, yall should just holla at them instead of being creepy. I feel like this is the beginning of something even worse :lol:. It's a gateway drug to that creep life
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For real man...

Some of ya'll ain't holla? 


Like the chick at the register in the burgundy dress or whatever, looks like she was just waiting on a dude to approach...most of em look real inviting. 
Good pics guys. Lol I once downloaded this iPhone app that would make the screen look like I was looking at a google map. Hitting zoom in on the map would actually take the pic. Lol I'm glad to know I'm not the only one hahahaha
There are many.
Secret photos kyms (they think your using a calculator lol )
Camera+ browser (looks like chrome browser)
Hidden camera with web browser
Too many.

I know this thread is open to more than just the people I described. But the more prevalent these kind of threads become where it's acceptable for grown men to act like peeping toms, the more common that line of reason becomes. If I'm not talking to you, then ignore me. But chances are if you're reading it, it's for you.

Totally agree bro. But you know it's nt. they can care less
Straight up, I can see how people view this thread as creepy, however, these girls are out in public where literally anyone could see them. I have definitely taken some stealth shots before. 95 percent of men probably have. 4 percent are probably too old to use the camera feature and the remaining 1 percent is the dude in this thread on his soapbox. Now if these were pics attained using hidden camera in their homes or something like that, I'd be totally against it.
95% of men? Nah, that sounds like you just trying to justify it doing it. That **** is weird man.
Like how bi/suspect dudes say "90% of men have hidden homosexual urges" it's like nahh my dude, you're just gay :lol:

I mean what is the rationale behind taking pics of random girls? Like you're on a safari or some ****. You know they're just people right? You can go up and talk to them

Tbh if I had a bunch of these pics on my phone and I showed my boys, instead of giving props they would probably clown me for not talking to the girl.

Edit: To clarify, if I saw a girl walking around like this (from earlier in the thread):

I would consider taking a pic. Shorty has her *** out and everything.

But most of these just look like regular girls at Walmart or whatever, I mean come on guys lol
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