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Theory about Edgar
Not sure it's a spoiler since it's just a random theory, but since they revealed Noir is actually black, that he's a supe clone of Edgar, especially since it seems like he has this hold over him

You know who he is in the comics right?
I'm thinking this guy is probably got desperate:
I also like how little this series cares about trying to hide from the fact that it's filmed in Toronto. :lol:
Whoever is exploding skulls better have a cool name like Mindblown or Warhead or Cranium or Migraine Hangover, etc.

That person basically the only one who can kill super strong supes like homelandervand stormfront but of course the mystery person is on vought’s side.

Also, guess black noir is dead. maeve murked him and was sitting at the trial with no worries.

Forgot lamplighter used to be part of the seven and had his statue in the building in season 1 before it got replaced.
I thought in season 1 that surveillance video that showed butcher’s wife entering a room with homelander and then showing her leaving was supposed to kinda hint she had a fling with him and she wasn’t raped. Maybe I remembered wrong. When she left the room she looked to be calm and not beat up. But I guess the guy is the strongest person in the world and it would take no effort to physically control a person.
I wish there was actually another super team that was actually good that would fight the seven. Would be cool to see the fighting.
I thought in season 1 that surveillance video that showed butcher’s wife entering a room with homelander and then showing her leaving was supposed to kinda hint she had a fling with him and she wasn’t raped. Maybe I remembered wrong. When she left the room she looked to be calm and not beat up. But I guess the guy is the strongest person in the world and it would take no effort to physically control a person.

Earlier in this thread we were debating on whether she was raped or it was consensual. I guess now she confirmed it was rape
I thought in season 1 that surveillance video that showed butcher’s wife entering a room with homelander and then showing her leaving was supposed to kinda hint she had a fling with him and she wasn’t raped. Maybe I remembered wrong. When she left the room she looked to be calm and not beat up. But I guess the guy is the strongest person in the world and it would take no effort to physically control a person.
She looked disheveled and disturbed. Far from calm.
Edgar, Stormfront, and The Head of The Collective are prime suspects but as stated it can all go left field.
I think it could have been consensual and she was just too embarrassed to tell her husband the truth. That camera footage of her leaving that room after meeting with Homelander didn’t necessarily look like someone who got raped.

She could’ve just got pregnant and tried to deal with it. The company probably gave her a boatload to keep it and take care of the baby since he would be the first real supe that was born instead of drugged up.

I looked up the comic too and they’ve already changed a bunch of **** like Billy’s wife really being dead, Homelander being the first one to sexually assault Starlight, and creating Translucent.
I'm so glad my cousin told me about this show. I knew nothing of it, and almost didn't give it a chance. I was hooked when A-train ran through Hughie's girl :smh:. I binged 5 eps on saturday and finished the rest yesterday.

I wasn't sure if Homelander actually raped becca or not. The video didn't look like a woman who just had 3 orgasms after 3 hours of consensual sex. The comic says she was raped, but it won't be the first time they differed on something. In the comic, Starlight was forced to give brain to Homelander, A-Train, and black Noir. Not The Deep as depicted in the show. Besides, if she was raped would she really want to have the baby and raise it leaving behind her entire family? Seems like Homelander might have been telling the truth on that one.

The cast is dope, I loveFrenchie, and Mother's Milk :lol:. Can't wait for season 2.

I'm glad there wasn't, but the jokes about him and blowholes makes sense :lol:
Wow, I never knew there were people who thought Becca wasn't raped. Guess the comic leaves stuff up to interpretation, watching the show I thought she was undoubtedly assaulted.
She said she was to Butcher and says to Homelander “after what you did to me.” It’s clear at this point we’re supposed to understand that he assaulted her.

Also to those questioning it, what about his behavior and personality would lead you to believe he wouldn’t do that? Look at how he behaves towards every person he’s romantically interested in, even doppelgänger.
Pretty sure the one blowing them up was Cindy from the psych hospital
but as far as we know Cindy doesn't know about the head of the FBI chick who met up with MM and Hughie and she got no scoped. she bled from her nose right before she popped
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