The Boys | S4 Episodes 1-3 Out Now! | Amazon Prime

man i went into this expecting to only watch one episode but i ended up binge watching the entire season because of how good it is & how much i really enjoy watching super hero shows with gore. im so sick of everything being happy go lucky
I was really excited about this show from the moment it was announced, I'm a fan of Ennis' other words like Crossed and Preacher. Initially, I thought this comic book was unfilmable because of the level of gore (if you think the show is crazy, the comic book in next level) but they made some changes, mostly for the good. I'm excited to see where they go next season.
It really helped that I went into this without watching the trailer. It was the first thing plastered on my home screen and the image of Homelander was cool so I checked it out. Was totally not expecting there to be this much debauchery in the show :lol:
The Deep story arc was genius all season :lol:

Popclaw :pimp: :pimp:

The Female
I liked the show. kinda hard to describe it to other people "knock off Justice League but their corrupt":lol: . "but it starts cuz he ran thru someone":rofl:
will wait for the next season
What’s ms masiel about
Preview didn’t look good to me
And man I need Jack Ryan to come back ASAP
now that I finished the season I can go back and comment without spoiler heavy or getting confused lol.

-Ms. Misael is a show about a woman comedian making it to stardom in the late 50s-60s. which is completely unheard of obviously. Think a funny Mad Men that resembles Joan Rivers' life story (RIP roast queen)

-Still don't know what Black Noir is about but that can be easily written for great chaos coming in. I thought Butcher was Noir for a quick theory

-Will be nice to see how they science the hell outta this. compound V gives babies powers (random powers let's say). you take it after getting powers and you get wired like a crackhead or heroin whatever. babies can withstand it. from their early abundance of stem cells??? I don't know talking outta my butt.

-So Homelander is the first hero? maybe done right? engineered enough to be at least? which will make him the oldest. Maeve seems seasoned but with starlight's inception the next gen of Supers will fill the roles of the Seven.

sidenote: in Stranger Things' new season that teenage girl who learns russian that works with the crew in the mall is Ethan Hawke's and Uma Thurman's kid. since we brought up Hughie's real parents
Couple thoughts

-airplane scene where he didnt bother to save anyone was dark. He realized he ****** up when he laser eyed the cockpit

-Also the way he spun it after

-homelander and booty spivot sex was consensual. 3 hours come on and end scene when they re-unite she didnt have a been raped face

- The gills on Deep were needed so the girl could stick her fingers in them to show the extent of the rape

-laser eye baby reminds me of Jack Jack from incredibles 2

-Homelander looks like a mix of Zack Morris and Jason Bateman. Sprinkle some Bradley Cooper

-Popclaw and landlord death by snu-snu. What a way to go
Yooo, I didn't even know that the guy that plays Lucas Hood in Banshee was Homelander :wow:

This show was so good, been recommending it to my homies.
-Still don't know what Black Noir is about but that can be easily written for great chaos coming in. I thought Butcher was Noir for a quick theory

I hate that in researching the backstory of the characters...I found what might be a major spoiler about him :stoneface: Unless the show goes in a different direction.
I haven't been this impressed with season 1 of a show since GOT.

I've ran it back twice already and I don't have time to watch TV like that.
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