The College Basketball Post

LOL all all the articles published that duke is spiraling downward after the va tech game and that is reason why coach k is leaving

Could be more like a Perry Jones situation...

This is a small sample size so we'all see over the next month if he starts moving a little better
Oregon by 30

edit: Walton is OD'n tonight even by his standards
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Bill Walton commentating and just said Jordan Bell is as tough as they come, this guy went to the same high school as Snoop Dog
Fultz is the best player in the country, but man his teammates are so awful :smh:

The thing is they really aren't, they have decent talent and should be a top 25 team. Romar is just that terrible of a coach. I mean look at all the talent he's had and the farthest he has ever gone is sweet 16
Nate Rob
Bobby Jones
Abdul Gaddy

I know I'm missing a bunch of dudes as well :lol:
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Also, 12 teams have already lost at least a game in conference play in the ACC. Crazy.

The only two that haven't. Notre Dame and FSU. Just as crazy.

I really hope the ACC gets 10 teams in the tourney this year!

Unfortunately, I don't see any team getting a 1 seed because of how tough the conference play is going to be.

I thought UVA would have a shot, but they've already lost twice now. 

Does anyone see a team going 14-2 or 13-3 in conference play?

I don't think itl happen this year 
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