The College Basketball Post

Man what the hell happened to college ball all these games are fast paced and exciting as **** :lol:

NCAA tournament = NHL playoffs
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And then no call that :x :smh:

Which one of these bitter *** Memphis boosters paid these refs
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Easily could've called a foul on that Fox drive. Also thought the UNC player touching the ball was out of bounds at first glance.
I don't give a **** if Kentucky was in the double bonus first, they were attacking the basket way more and drawing contact the whole game. They aren't getting some obvious calls and some BS was called on both Fox and Monk. Even if that wasn't a foul on the drive by Fox that was a CLEAR travel on Meeks when he grabbed the ball and would have left Kentucky with like 4 seconds left for Monk or Fox to score.
Fox is completely out of the rhythm

Meeks is at least 20-30 pounds overweight, should be bbq chicken in the pnr but Fox doesn't have the juice right now.
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