The College Basketball Post

Who do they get to replace Pitino? Who is actually going to want the job? I'm assuming the program is basically going to get the death penalty...
Louisville went from a top 5 team to a mess

Who coaches them now?
Who is eligible?
Who leaves?
Who is the next AD?
Slick Rick had a loaded squad...what happens to those players? Hardship waivers to be eligible immediately?
Sure they make a run at Kenny Payne if he isn't implicated in some way through all of this.
Who do they get to replace Pitino? Who is actually going to want the job? I'm assuming the program is basically going to get the death penalty...

Idk .. thats gonna be a tough pill to swallow having louisville on your resume and everything the school beem through the last 5 years
I would say so,if Louisville even has a team after this,getting caught up while you already on probation :smh:

Wonder if NCAA will let the current players transfer without losing a year?

Gotta think these schools that got implented are going to snitch on the ones that didnt get caught yet.


Man all his would make for a great movie or even a 30 for 30.

Blue Chips?

30 for 30 will come in a few years when the dust settles and everything is handed out, depending if they can get people to interview and talk about it
Pitino though has made so much obscene money in his life over and under the table, and had so few expenses (house basically paid for, cars are free, clothes are free, I doubt he has ever paid for a meal in that town) that he's def gonna be fine. That would still be hard though I fully admit. :lol:

His lawyers are going to go after this money and you can bet they have already started on it. Would not shock me if they eventually come up with a number to make all parties walk away.

Jason Riley‏ @JasonRileyWDRB Rick Pitino is on "effective discharge." Placed on unpaid leave through no later than April 30, 2018, attorney Steve Pence said.

Jason Riley‏ @JasonRileyWDRB Asked what Rick Pitino will do next, Steve Pence said: "I can only tell you to stand by. It will not be nothing."
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