The College Basketball Post

Alex Caruso had zero pro potential and now he’s the GOAT.

Sonny always acts like college basketball teams absolutely need to have great pros to win a championship. Does it help? Absolutely, but is it necessary? No.

we all watched that 2016-2017 UNC team beat a kentucky team with two all star caliber players in the elite 8, and then go on to win a championship with their only NBA player being a role player at best
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Just wondering, has a team that didn’t have any sort of viewing party of Selection Sunday because they thought they weren’t going to make it, made it? Just out of nowhere
Not that I can remember. If I was on the bubble I wouldn’t want my team’s watch party being shown on tv :lol:
I have this weird feeling they going to throw Duke in there just to stir the pot lol

I don’t see it after the fsu cancellation. I mean the only way they’d do it is if they really wanted the influx of cash since they already won have UK. Unfortunately I just don’t see it
I don’t see it after the fsu cancellation. I mean the only way they’d do it is if they really wanted the influx of cash since they already won have UK. Unfortunately I just don’t see it

Just seems they would need that money to mention win or lose you know they like that Duke buzz lol

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