The College Basketball Post

I never watch college ball. In fact, I usually avoid it like the plague 🤷‍♂️. For some crazy reason my pointer stopped on this game w/ 2 minutes to go.

Saw clips of Knicks great Chris Duhon & decided to stay for the rest.
I'm 43yo, and As long as I've loved basketball, coach k was the coach at Duke. For my money, the 90' runnin rebels were the best college team I've ever seen.

However, I won't argue with anyone that says the 92 blue devils were better.

I hated Duke, but coach k is the man.

People making a big deal about Carrawell refusing to shake the hand, but in my opinion the Nolan Smith "shake hand but don't look you in the eye" twice as disrespectful. Carrawell claiming Hubert didn't shake their hands before the game and that's why? That's a lame excuse. Also the camera has Hubert shaking K's hand and wishing him well before the game. Not sure what Carrawell wants. Someone show me video of him shaking our hands at Dean Dome?

You know who didn't lose their last games in the rivalry? Dean Smith and Roy Williams.

A lot of Duke fans acting like we over-celebrating and I don't care. That's a huge win. After all the pomp and circumstance all week, some tickets selling for $100k, and 100 former players in attendance.....we wanted that game BAD and we GOT IT.

We talkin' that talk for the obligatory 24 hours then it's back to regularly scheduled programming.
Over-celebrated? Lol. Nah. Ranked number 4 vs an unranked, inconsistent UNC team. Coach K’s final home game with all the festivities before and after the game. You beat UNC a month earlier in chapel hill by 20. Duke players on Snapchat and Instagram calling UNC dudes soft and talking ****.

That loss was historic, given all of the context and it’s proof why this is considered the best rivalry in all of sports
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