The College Basketball Post

Chet supposed to be a number 1 pick? I’m not seeing it. Emoji bates seems like the better prospect. That sort of slow foot speed lanky tall 7 footer isn’t a good fit for the nba. He’s like a smaller slower less athletic Porzingus. And likely gonna be as injury prone cuz he’s gonna have to over exert the max of his limits.
Chet supposed to be a number 1 pick? I’m not seeing it. Emoji bates seems like the better prospect. That sort of slow foot speed lanky tall 7 footer isn’t a good fit for the nba. He’s like a smaller slower less athletic Porzingus. And likely gonna be as injury prone cuz he’s gonna have to over exert the max of his limits.

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Chet supposed to be a number 1 pick? I’m not seeing it. Emoji bates seems like the better prospect. That sort of slow foot speed lanky tall 7 footer isn’t a good fit for the nba. He’s like a smaller slower less athletic Porzingus. And likely gonna be as injury prone cuz he’s gonna have to over exert the max of his limits.
Agreed on not worthy of #1 pick. Disagree on foot speed. Kid can move, but I don't see him using his length the same way he can in college.

In any case, him going high means the Blazers have a better shot at someone like Duren.
This first half did not persuade me that there’s no reasons to have concerns about Chet in the NBA.

Timme has no chance.
This first half did not persuade me that there’s no reasons to have concerns about Chet in the NBA.

Timme has no chance.
Agree. He’s been exposed since the Baylor champ game last year. If they would not have cancelled the December meeting due to a covid outbreak, it would have been sooner.
Agreed on not worthy of #1 pick. Disagree on foot speed. Kid can move, but I don't see him using his length the same way he can in college.

In any case, him going high means the Blazers have a better shot at someone like Duren.

just curious why you disagree? he can’t go by anyone very easily and he’s not an amazing shooter. He doesn’t seem like he has 💥 burst. He has good foot speed and agility for someone his height but at the nba level pretty much everyone has his foot speed or more. Not that foot speed means everything - Luka being an example of just being shifty and change of pace mattering more - but so far he seems fairly straightforward and easy to guard.

I didn’t watch him much before this except that world game. That Wambulance kid from France seems like a way way way better prospect too.
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