The College Basketball Post

just curious why you disagree? he can’t go by anyone very easily and he’s not an amazing shooter. He doesn’t seem like he has 💥 burst. He has good foot speed and agility for someone his height but at the nba level pretty much everyone has his foot speed or more. Not that foot speed means everything - Luka being an example of just being shifty and change of pace mattering more - but so far he seems fairly straightforward and easy to guard.
I thought he could get around people easier than most, but like you said, in the NBA its a moot point. We agree tho - not the #1 pick by any stretch imo.

I heard a thing on ESPN radio earlier today that Saint Peter's entire athletic budget... THE ENTIRE BUDGET... is like $2mil. Travel, coaches, baseball, tennis, the ENTIRE BUDGET. $2 mill.

John Calipari? Just ONE GUY in UK's athletic dept? $9mil.

And now St. Pete is in the Sweet 16, after beating UK and Murray St. Good for them, man. I love March Madness.

Allen going for the dunk there is similar to the Akron dude going for the jelly layup instead of kicking it for the wide open 3
Love seeing Saint Peters shining a light on Jersey City :pimp:

I’m out in the burbs of West Orange now but still got my condo in JC I rent out - Hamilton Park area specifically.

Shaheen is really that dude tho!
St. Peters great showing! But they're definitely getting washed in the Sweet 16, Purdue/Texas gonna be going to war tomorrow knowing they have an easy path to the Elite 8 :lol:
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