The College Basketball Post

TBS cut away when there are two or 3 pieces of net to cut down. I hope dude gets to cut the last piece. Usually it's the coach or best player, right? When dude went down I knew he went down weird and I knew it wasn't an ankle turn but I thought his tread gave way and he slipped. That used to be automatic Achilles and maybe still is, but I remember that happened to someone (jiggle and all) and they said the guy had a strain and he came back in like 3 weeks or something. I think it was dude from Orlando with the goggles.

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LET'S GO. :lol:
I'm a big fan of Mark Williams, he has instincts for the next level.

651akathepaul 651akathepaul I have Arkansas to make the F4 as a future, that's all I've been doin, I wasn't really on one to give advice about the matchup on its own. Esp to someone I like hehe.
Coach K actually giving worth to after-commercial interviews is sweet :lol:, well needed

Why was Banchero the only one going for a rebound there on either team, Arkansas? :lol:
TBS cut away when there are two or 3 pieces of net to cut down. I hope dude gets to cut the last piece. Usually it's the coach or best player, right? When dude went down I knew he went down weird and I knew it wasn't an ankle turn but I thought his tread gave way and he slipped. That used to be automatic Achilles and maybe still is, but I remember that happened to someone (jiggle and all) and they said the guy had a strain and he came back in like 3 weeks or something. I think it was dude from Orlando with the goggles.

He couldn’t off the bench without crutches. Not getting on a ladder.
Thanks for nothing, guys. :lol:

Arkansas +4.5
Bro you asked like a half hour before the game. :lol: :blush:

I would have said Duke because I think that it's going to be tough for any team to overcome the following dynamic: "Coach K lost his last regular season game, but made the tournament and won the last game he coached."

He couldn’t off the bench without crutches. Not getting on a ladder.

Yeah he limped off at the end (after they cut the nets down). He was up and walking without the crutches, limping badly. I didn't know if they'd help him up or do something like that, but it didn't look like they did, I didn't see him get any of the net. I feel bad for buddy (because of the possibly career-altering injury).
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